
The very thought of Trump even reading to children or doing any other “less dignified” things like pardoning a turkey on Thanksgiving or participating in the annual Easter egg hunt seems so foreign and bizarre to me.

Unfortunately, it is unsafe for me to wait for or work with racists on their redemption. I’ll allow white people to do it if they want, as long as they keep their friends as far away from me, and any power, as possible.

White Supremacy Rule #348

I highly doubt it’s a burden of guilt. More likely a petulant displeasure at having her life interrupted by this trifling matter.

Miss me with the excuses. Bigots have always feigned being decent. They are not.

There are few disturbing things in this interview.

But she’s a fragile, feminine, white woman, you see. They are never responsible.

Lol, please, spare me the description of “nice” racists. I’ll be over here being Black and in reality.

I could set my desk on fire. The fact that you are taking so many fucking pains to exonerate and try to make me feel bad for this white lady. I swear. Oh she’s so sad? Oh her lie is not what killed emmit till. FUCK YOU.  

I am disgusted by any description of this woman as a “lovely, kind” person or talk about her guilt or unburdening. She fucking lied and got that boy tortured and killed, then continued to lie on the witness stand. Fuck her. I hope she had no joy in her undeserved, long life.

There is nothing wrong with screening for terrorism. All of the folks detained or banned from traveling to the US have been through a 24 to 28 month screening process and many have lived in the US for years.

Anybody else get chills lately at the “and domestic” part? Just a totally visceral, holy shit, this is really happening kind of way?

As a Senator and SOS Clinton had very high approval ratings. It’s only when she dared to run for POTUS that she suddenly become so unpopular. So basically you’re just admitting to falling for GOP propaganda.

Now playing

Seriously. I would’ve voted for the dude with the tiger before either Stein or Johnson. Or come to think of it Trump also.

“Radical Christianic Terror”

And also, the military and intelligence services would kick the ever loving christ out of some donut eaters playing soldier.

Pretty sure the new term should be “radical Christianity”.

No. W knew what was happening, also knew he had a bunch of small kids in front of him who would pick up on something being wrong, and played his poker face in front of them.

I expect there’s a very quiet revolt in the intelligence community right now. Especially Middle East specialists. It’d be unseemly if it was known in public, but the consensus that this does nothing to help security is very widely held outside of a few far-right think tanks like the bloody Hudson Institute.

Remember when “conservatives” waxed poetic about the Constitution? Ah, the good ole days before Trump. Now they are happy to look the other way.