
I know right? WHEWWWW! We so dogged that bullet.

Nope. This is recognizing that the west and the east are different nations and that California subsidizes the east. As for the 30% of South Carolinians who can’t move, you gotta deal with your own state. Right now, 82% of the white population in SC is registered to vote while 74% of the non-white population is

I understand your position and I sympathize, but whenever states like California try to work for the common good we get pissed all over. If you don’t like not being like California, it is up to you to elect people that will emulate California. We can lead by example, but we are out of patience to continue bailing

The “selfish” part got me. Tells me she wasn’t born here, which makes her whole piece even more irritating. We contribute a shitload to this economy. And by economy I mean the GLOBAL economy. I was born and raised here in LA and, as much as I love being an American, I love being an Angeleno even more. Ideally, I’d

Can i just say this was the same argument made in the Scottish referendum and it is a bad argument because you are right: it’s not our job to make others progressive, or prop up the liberal side of the parliament/senate/congress. Especially as it never seems to fucking matter how we vote because we always get

Eh, it’s fun for us to think about since most of us Californians are really fucking pissed at everything (just like all of you), but we’re not going anywhere. It IS selfish, and we know that. There was a lengthy discussion about it on a friends FB page, and another friend basically said, “Look, we’re Dumbledores Army.

Conspiracy hat activated: Marinelli’s Russan connection means this is all a ploy by Putin. California secedes, Marinelli steps in as high mucky muck and conveniently works out a defense agreement with Russia just as the US is poised for reconquest, with the threat of nukes and California swelling with Russian forces

One of the rare historical cases of Ho, do it.

I have spent my whole life hearing about how California is hippie infested, “the land of fruits and nuts,” “la la land” etc. But this is my home. I live in the same town my great-grandparents lived in. I want to be here, not only because it is fucking awesome, but because my family lives here.

Let’s keep working on it. We need to do more.

I spent a summer as an intern in the US Senate. Even then I knew that you can call over to the appropriate department and have a conversation to discuss “here’s what we’d like to do — what elements did we forget to consider?” and “what do we need to do to implement this?”

Yaaaasssssss!!!! And tonight’s top comment that has the most common sense goes tooooo you! You summed up my thoughts perfectly.

Today was the day I became a monthly ACLU donor.

Go fuck yourself you shitty human.

Why only California?. I say the entire northeast break off from the rest of the country as well. Why not? Like California, we pay more in taxes to Washington DC than we get back from it yet we’re constantly brought down by shitty politicians in southern states who are net takers who make things worse for the rest of

Though it sounds contradictory to my current comments (I’ve been in the wine), I would never, ever stop advocating for women, LGBTQ, immigrants*, the fact that that pipeline will be a disaster, and it’s absolutely disgusting that Flint STILL doesn’t have acceptable drinking water. (Not “safe” mind you, but

I live in Oregon, and I support a secession of the western states (OR, WA, CA) to form Pacifica.
If that doesn’t work, I’d like Canada to adopt us as Canada’s ballsack (look at the geography).

This is what kills me. California taxes are being spent in backwards red states on people who think I should go back to Mexico (3rd generation Californian) or that I am abusing welfare or that my AfAm husband should die in the street like a dog at the hands of some cop. But whose tax dollars are supporting their

Starred for Save a Ho. Also starred because I agree.

I think anybody who cares more about an inconvenient airport visit than the lives of immigrants and refugees was probably never going to be a friend to the cause anyway.