
The speech was about de-emphasizing social issues in favor of economic issues to pander to people for whom social issues are anathema, i.e. middle American white people largely male. And then the sun will rise over a field of wheat and man in a hard hat will throw a football and a Bruce Springsteen song will play and

He draws a distinct line between “the working class” and “women.” As if the working class does not include women, or people of color. I read the speech. The hard right in red states will never vote Democrat for cultural reasons.

I ain’t mad. I have said it before, I will no doubt say it approximately ten million times in the next (hopefully) four years but I will be damned if I will go gracefully into a Trump administration. Anything big or small or in between that discomfits that fascist fuck is fine by me. And that includes Jill Stein.

You are in denial about the fact that these are fascists; this is the rise of American Fascism. Here is a definition of fascism.

I’d like to start a gofundme campaign to raise money for daily full page ads in the NY Times and WaPo that simply state:

Yep! I am from LA (here right now), but live in the Bay Area now. The civil rights non-profit I work for also does some work out in Merced and Stanislaus, and my colleague out there is Muslim and wears a hijab. I fear for her safety. She, however, says that a number of past and current clients have called her since

He was terrible on human rights, but not more terrible than Bautista and it probably took someone like Castro to over throw him. (Dear American Fuckwits— this is what choosing the lesser of two evils looks like.)

True. He was like, “Huh. Looks like they’re doing to destroy themselves. My job here is done.”

“I was totally aware of Yolanda” is also delicately vicious, completely wiping out the exhortations of Yolanda having been “a great model”. Well played, Rebecca...

At least you plan to go to the sink like a civilized person. I work till ten, and my plan when I get home is dragging a chair to the fridge and dipping leftover turkey straight from it’s foil cocoon into an old margarine tub filled with cranberry sauce. I will however class it up by drinking my bourbon from a glass. I

I’m pregnant and have no time for sandwich-making. I shall be eating leftovers as I always do, cold, right out of the off-brand tupperware, standing over the sink. Come at me.

These are the kinds of advise and consent questions that the senate should be asking. All the agencies are important, and I don’t like seeing ideological purity (or wackiness) prioritized over competence. I mostly deal with EPA, it has been wrecked by being slingshot back and forth between political appointees and by

Isn’t Carson the guy who thinks the pyramids in Egypt were grain silos? Maybe Trump recalled that and figured he might know something about buildings.

When other inmates need to be protected for their own safety, they are thrown in solitary.

Then act like you can fucking read, you simpleton.

Especially if it take a couple of years for the majority of people to get fed up with Trump. All you have to do is think “Well Pence can’t do that much damage for the last two years” and then Trump’s out.

I don’t have any racist friends so I don’t have that problem.

I generally end friendships with people who question my right to exist, my right to equality and my very humanity.

This isn’t simply about politics. If you are racist or support racists, I not only disagree with that stance, that stance is actively dangerous to me. So I can’t be friends with anyone who supports the Orange Man and his policies.

If you think this is just about “political leanings,” you are in denial. I’m a Black woman, so I CAN’T “be friends” with an Orange Man supporter. Those people at worst are straight-up racist, and at best, don’t give a fuck either way but are cool with it to get some other thing they want out of the situation. Their