
I think they voted for Trump so everyone could suffer as much as they did. Can’t get a job in the coal mine or steel factory = fine, watch your cities collapse.

Now playing

It’s limited release is in December so it will be eligible for Oscar.

Okay here’s the thing. There is a wealth, a fucking ocean of knowledge that already exists out there to assist white people in being better allies. Tons of methods to address racism by well educated people of all races exist. Yet somehow white liberal allies still require their marginalized peers to constantly hold

Um also I just want to point out, hella POC and women have been telling liberal white men they are doing it wrong for years and y’all haven’t listened. I guess you can’t hear it from one of your own either.

I know, right?

This trailer put me in a good place, and I hope the movie makes a billion dollars.

In my world, when someone’s career is defined by voting against civil rights and liberties, then they aren’t a hero. McCain voted against the proposed Civil Rights Act of 1990, voted to ban burning the flag, voted against equal pay protection for women, voted against prohibiting discrimination based on sexual

Also isn’t the quadrupling of WOC in the Senate going from 0 to 4? Like good but not necessarily brag worthy.

Cap’n Walter Crunch was court martialed for tearing up the roofs of a lot of mouths.

He spent 6 years as a pow. He declined to leave when offered. What the fuck have you done? His grandfather, father and son ALL service members. One more time; what the fuck have you or anyone you know done that even slightly compares?

They only want to be equal with white men. Women like Megan are really okay with the patriarchy and white male dominance because they still get more privileges from that system then they would if we were all treated as equals. 

Officer Jeronimo Yanez

I love how her brand of feminism highlights the things we can all agree on as women—empowerment, advancement, equality, sisterhood—and steers clear of the more divisive issues.

But when push comes to shove, no is always there for you. It is not foolproof—as, sadly, any sexual assault or rape survivor can attest—but when dealing with a boss whose goal is not to forcibly overtake you but instead to see how far he can push you, it may offer you an escape hatch.

Don’t forget those pesky “coastal elite” democrats and their fancy talk, thinking they’re better than everyone else!

I really will never cease to be baffled by the nostalgia for fucking coal mining. Black lungs, subsistence living, and early death are what these people want back? Those are just the consequences for the humans involved, not their water, air, and land! WTF.

They are basically mad at the other people that have the same problems they do. This is an outgrowth of early 1900s southern politics when the elites realized they better quickly drive a wedge between poor whites and poor blacks because they had all started voting together (google fusion party NC 1900 — here’s an

I live in socialist paradise Canada. Plenty of them here too.

My anger is right there with yours.