
Not only do they feel entitled but they feel that when they are unemployed it’s just circumstance. When people of color are unemployed it’s because they’re lazy and living off the system! Never mind they’re collecting unemployment too, that’s different.


“It’s a big thing that’s present in the white liberal community. That, “I’m talking about it so I’m doing something.” No, you’re just talking about it. And you’re talking about it usually to other white liberals. You’re not really doing anything here. Talking is not action. Don’t just look at what you say. Look at how

Sure it isn’t a great reason but it is a legitimate one.

Many people are saying that Pence went through gay conversion therapy and it’s really sad. I’m not saying Mike Pence is a sloppy party bottom that went through gay conversion therapy, but important people - all the best people - so many people - you don’t realize how many people are saying this.

One of my friends said the same thing Friday night and I laughed in his face. When I started listing the people on his transition team, he slowly grew horrified. Then I thanked him for voting for Trump and told him to fuck off.

What gets to me is that they made little black kids deal with the entire brunt of ‘desegregation’... putting them into lily white spaces where they were threatened and hated. I put ‘desegregation’ in quotes because it’s not what happened — they never, ever considered bussing their little blond Susie McBeckerson into

I totally agree. It’s a delusion to think Bernie would have won the general. Telling ourselves lies is not a way to fix this situation.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Bernie was not respected by anybody capable of understanding basic economics.

President Samuel L. Jackson.

Unlike Hillary, he at least was liked and respected.

I’m in agreement with you 1000%.

Actually, Hillary got more votes than any candidate except Obama.

As I posted above, my niece is married to a black woman. No problem at all on my end with WOC.

People spent eight years denying Obama as their president - you sure as hell can do the same!

See. This is why other than his docs Michael Moore can kiss my black ass.

“But it’s so unfair that CEO’s will only take home $30 million a year instead of $50 million. Why do you want to punish success? [*insert old rich white men tears]”

Seriously, fuck going Right. The Democratic party has been trying to have its cake and eat it too for 30 goddamn years, and it hasn’t gotten us anywhere. So it’s time to go Left, full on fucking “class warfare” style. I want universal healthcare, universal income, and I want to be able to hear rich people fucking ho

Seriously, this isn’t a fucking revelation. The racist voters that came out for Trump also came out for every other Republican candidate for the past several decades.