
Last year, a Muslim kid was bullied at my kid’s school during prayer. He saw the kid get punched and kicked, stepped in to stop the fight, and got security. The bully lied and said the Muslim kid started it. The Muslim kid got expelled and my son was furious. he went to speak to all of the Muslim kid’s teachers to ask

Picturing the Secret Service reading his tweets and collectively throwing their heads back and moaning, “Fuck me this is going to be a long four years.”

Trump is a narcissist.. Pence is pure evil wrapping itself up in religion.

Trump only threatens to jail women who seek abortions.

You can fuck right off if you are protesting and voted for Stein or Johnson.

Disagree. His tweets need to be posted on billboards next to major highways so that Trump voters are reminded daily on the way to work and back just what they have fucking done.

Not all white women

Not all white women. None of my female friends (all white) voted for Trump.

Guy went into my friends job yesterday and said “these niggers and wetbacks are finally going to get it”

Okay, fucking please. Stop it with that shit. White women have some goddamn work to do and you are no fucking exception. The polls were wrong because - guess what? - people LIED about how fucking racist and misogynistic they are. They didn’t want to admit it in public but in the privacy of the voting booth they let

And this should really not be a surprise to anyone who’s been a feminist for any real length of time. We women are the least unified minority ever, and the most likely to vote against our own interests.

Aaaand I’m crying again.

As a woman of color, I’m scared shitless of the rise of white nationalism in this country and how it will embolden bullying and hate crimes.

OK. Shut the fuck up.

I’ll “snark” as much as I like about a man who is racist, homophobic, misogynist, and who publicly made fun of a disabled journalist to entertain his fans. Yes, he won. He’s still a garbage pile of a person and we all know it! I’ll stop snarking when (or rather IF) he starts doing some good. Not before.

I think those are all great actions people can take and I would certainly support those causes.

White feminists have never given two shits about female POC. That hasn’t changed in a century

“This is not about how much America hates women or how sexist America is, because it’s clear that white women helped facilitate Trump’s win”

This is what I always knew America was and never wanted to admit. Yesterday was a slap across my face. But at least it woke me up from my lifelong delusion that this country gives a fuck about me or anyone who looks like me. Last night was horrible, and I feel for all the people who will inevitably suffer under a