
I work in the employment law arena and I have spoken to a number of Black folks who feel that illegals get better treatment than them in the workplace in and around Chicago.
I have also heard about the kinds of discrimination that Black people face from the Hispanic community in the workplace as well.

Every time I come here to say white women are racist too, people come in droves to shit on me. Today, you literally have proof that white women voted for trump in droves but here you are, blaming Gary fuckin Johnson.

I’m fighting with my white Husband who just doesn’t understand. He does not understand what is at stake for the rest of us. It makes it so much worse because the person I love the most in the world just doesn’t fucking get me.

Folks are angry and lashing out at whatever is at arms’ length. Johnson wasn’t the tipping point. I remember dismissing an article talking about the new white bigoted voters who in past elections didnt’ vote but were projected to come out for Trump. The author said they were going to be the tipping point. They were

Fuck people who stayed home, wrote in Bernie, or left the President choice blank (My Father.) even more.

I blame all of your racist White relatives, including your parents. Those are the kinds of people that got Trump elected. The “silent” majority.

I want payback. I want the congressional democrats to do to Trump what the congressional republicans did to Obama. I want the senate minority leader to release a statement mimicking McConnell’s statement about Obama. It will say that “the number one goal of congressional democrats is to make sure that Trump is a

It depends what you mean by “America”. Americans with life threatening conditions who lose their insurance may very well NOT survive this. Americans who have their status in this country challenged may very well NOT thrive. American kids who get shot as a result of a “stop and frisk” gone wrong will NOT grow.

Not true, if all of that income tax from the tech industry, and the entertainment industry went to the State of California instead of the federal government, we’d be sitting pretty. And are about to have a multi billion dollar pot industry.

Must be nice when the least of your worries is intolerance. Try not only not getting a steady paycheck for yourself, but having a steady paycheck denied to your forebearers for generations, and fearing for your life daily, all because of the color of your skin. Try worrying that, at any moment, your right to decide

That’s really the only response. Some idiots I know are all like “don’t hate people because they voted different than you!”

White folks

Bush showed some kind of respect for the institutions that the US is built on.

eight years ago to the day, i thought anything was possible...now, i think, everything is lost.

Oh God yes, blame those people. SUre it’s their right to vote for who they choose but sometimes you have to do the adult thing and stop someone terrible instead of voting for someone you think is great. If those folks pinched their nose and voted for Hillary like I did, Trump would be a joke we could laugh about for

The America that you describe is the America that I hoped would lose in this election.

Really? Because my former boss and good friend is a Holocaust survivor who was successfully hidden with a Catholic family but his parents and siblings were all killed in Auschwitz. My boss rarely spoke of his past, but one time he gave me a copy of his parents’ arrest papers to look at. He didn’t say anything as he

This is the festering wound that people wanted to ignore. Well, the infection has just spread. Time to take America back to what it was again, before all the voices screaming for equality got too noisy to ignore.

We’re talking about a man who brags at political rallies that he keeps a copy of Mein Kampf in his nightstand, who has quoted Mussolini favorably, and has run his campaign as a by-the-numbers homage to those two. Comparing him to Hitler in no way whatsoever goes too far.

I am part German, and for as long as I can remember, Americans have asked me how on earth Hitler could have been elected in such an advanced and wealthy nation. Perhaps they will no longer have to ask.