
It’s like all the trolls hate-reading The Mary Sue just so they can jump on every article about Ghostbusters 2016 to inform you how Actually no, it really sucked super bad, like on a movie level, just not a good movie.

Given the HUGE power differential between men and women in patriarchy, and given that we live in patriarchy, and given that Middle School-aged girls are not talking about who is “fuckable,” I’m going to have to go with, “No. No, it is in no way equivalent.”

I’m glad she took a stand against Trump, the lone racist/sexist of the Republican party. Have to let them know that this will not be tolerated .

No. Don’t back down or rethink yourself. It’s a false equivalency.

Err, while I do agree that it’s a false equivalency, I have to disagree with the idea that middle school girls are chaste innocent creatures only interested in kissing.

Go get it, ladies!

My father’s cousin was murdered in Miami while she was prosecuter. He was your stereotypical pothead murdered by the preppy, clean-cut guy next door who happily played off people’s misconceptions to claim self-defense. According to everything I have been told, it would have worked if not for Janet Reno.  I wasn’t

There are no Hillary/Kaine signs or bumper stickers because everyone’s afraid crazed Trump fans will key their car or tear up their yard if they put one up.

I hated Bush 2 (Bush 1 was my childhood so I couldn’t formulate an opinion about him till adulthood), hated him soooo much. BUT. I didn’t care if people voted for him. Sure I’m hardcore ‘Fuck republicans’ (liberal feminist religious hater here, yet not atheist) but I could see and understand why people were voting for

President Trump’s Canada Wall will put all fictional ice walls to shame. It is known.

Now playing

Hillary Clinton is Lady Olenna. Cersei has more in common with Donald than Hillary Clinton.

This was fabulous. Shine on, uncle Joe, shine on.

We all wish Paul Ryan were fictional, though.

Isn’t Jack Ryan a fictional character?

Good God damn, I didn’t think it was possible to find a picture or gif that truly, fully, 100% perfectly captured Paul Ryan as the spineless shitweasel that he is, in all of his douchey Paul Ryan-ness, but WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT. You found it!

This is what I don’t get. No president is going to drastically alter our foreign policy. No, not even Bernie would have. Yet somehow it is all Hillary’s fault?

“I don’t usually presume to tell people how to vote.”

This whole defense side of government is something that you forgot exists, I hope. She didnt write the policy, it is all agreed upon by a lot of people. If you think the world is so black and white your in a fantasy land.

Okay, Sparky, let’s play fill-in-the-blank: “the U.S. never uses military force overseas and __________________ results.”

Yes! I love penises. I want to see more of them. Heck, I loved them so much that I married one! Well, one with a wonderful man attached 😀