
As a friend of mine who served there told me, “They’re really generous, hospitable people. But once you’ve finished your tea and snacks, they’d prefer you move on and get the hell out as soon as possible.”

And it’s clear that Packer is the one getting cold feet, like he suddenly came to his senses and realized that, oh right, Mariah is sort of a trainwreck.

still waiting on that trump n-word video to drop

I vividly remember looking at this cover as a child, being mesmerized by the striking green eyes of the girl. I read about her a few years ago, when the photographer searched for her, to see if she had survived the brutal refugee camp. And he found that she had, and she had returned home, and was married with three

Salt Lake is pretty diverse, large Latino and Pacific islander populations. South of Salt Lake (Provo onwards is whiter than a sack of whitebread). Couple of diverse pockets in the north.

No—my mother is African-American and my father is white. They joined the church when I was little, and while my father left it when they divorced, my mother raised me and my sister in the church (in Baltimore, admittedly, where the population of the church was way less white and had way more single parents). We

Hey, we could be from the same neighborhood! I said it in another post, but really, every Mormon I grew up with was as kind and generous as you could get. Sure they couldn’t watch The Crucible in English class and one almost converted my best friend cause he was so hot she basically would have done anything to touch

I fist-pumped and went “Whooooo!!” like I was at a Blue Angels airshow. Or WWE Smackdown. Smashy-smashy noises on a grand scale bring out my inner 14-year-old boy.

It’s too bad that “who’s a good boy?!” kindness doesn’t extend to his electorate :-/

I wouldn’t wish a dead dog on my worst enemy, and that includes Mike Pence. I’m glad his furbabybeagle had a long life and, unlike American women, was probably treated very respectfully by Pence.

Now playing

She needs to play Stone Cold’s glass breaking entrance theme when she takes the stage.

I believe this is the gif you were looking for...

Well ... she’s making her choice.

So weird—I heard she’ll be 45 in January.

And letting black men go to the temple and hold the priesthood.... No schism. This seems like an excuse to put off change, not marinate in it slowly so your members can deal. And who cares if there’s a schism? Go your own way

Yes but when one of the basic tenants of the faith is that the leaders can receive direct revelation from God at any time and do a total 180 on their current practices, the LDS church is probably the only religion that COULD just up and change its doctrine if it wanted to.

All I can say is that I hope these poor kids figure out that their religion is a fraud started by a con man.

Few things can fuck up someone’s self-esteem more than growing up in a hideous conservative religious background. When a person who has internalized this bullshit and is surrounded by so much reinforcement from intolerant people, it’s clear they have no idea how to begin to fight to save themselves, or even any idea