
That first guy has hella impressive reflexes.

Except for Republican clowns. They’re truly horrifying.

The surgeon later removed 2 feet of intestines and 25 feet of handkerchiefs.

That first sentence is it in a nutshell! THere is a line in the movie High-Rise where the utterly horrible rapist misogynistic upperclass men condemn the utterly horrible rapist misogynistic middleclass man for “raping the wrong kind of women.” Thin white conservtive women who look like them “shouldn’t” be raped.

Exactly! Just like Megyn Kelly, she’s fine when Newt or Donald are just racists. But now that they are openly misogynistic that’s a bridge too far. I guess welcome to the party? You’re late but better than never. (e. g. The women who said they’d be fine revoking the 19th amendment to get Trump elected. . . No help at

Sure, the GOP ignored evidence of Trump’s misogyny before pussygate, but let’s be honest: misogyny was present in the GOP platform with the opposition of abortion, opposition to birth control, wage gap denial, and countless GOP politicians making pro-rape statements. She ignored all of that because she thought it


These are the women who stood by their men when rape victims were shamed, when feminists were demonized, when poor women and working women were blamed for just about every possible social ill. They based their feeling of superiority on being white, conservative, straight, Christian, and deferential to men, and now

“I hope this maybe convinces some Republicans...”

“...liberal Democrats pushing very progressive policy ideas.”

That’s been one really interesting thing about the schism Trump has caused in the Republican party, is all of these people crawling out of the woodwork claiming that they just want their party to be conservative (and by definition, support the white supremacist patriarchy that is our status quo) without the

Oh, fuck you Amanda. You were perfectly fine with the misogyny as long as it was directed at women of color, older women, or fat women.

Right? Like, “Sure, the Democratic party is interested in protecting women like me, but they are also (sometimes) interested in protecting women who are not like me, and I can’t be having that. Now I am very, VERY upset to find that the Republican party, which I sold my soul to, isn’t interested in protecting anyone,

“It’s really hard for a lot of conservative women to contemplate the idea of feminism because it’s been so owned by liberal democrats pushing very progressive policy ideas,” it’s about equality, fairness and allowing all women to be treated like people”

Being against rape? Too much progress!

How so? She has a point: a belief in equality is a slippery and really is incompatible with conservative ideals.

Very progressive policy ideas: make your own medical decisions, have recourse against those who physically attack you, earn fair pay for equal work. Radical!

If you believe the basic tenants of feminism like, equal pay, access to healthcare, bodily autonomy and reductions in sexual violence are “very progressive policy” then you probably aren’ta feminist to start with.

It’s really hard for a lot of conservative women to contemplate the idea of feminism because it’s been so owned by liberal democrats pushing very progressive policy ideas

She’s coming to terms with a reality that directly affected her and her fellow white women.