
Never once did I ever get a reply from a “match” on bumble. Gave up after a few weeks and went back to the dredges of tinder

I have a friend who uses Bumble in LA and isn’t having much luck. She has found that her options are much better when she opens it in different cities, such as Portland and DC. But, she’s also extremely picky so....

Radguurl and VIRTUAL BRIT, thank you both for this conversation. It’s really refreshing to see actual discussion in a comments section. You both rock.

I’ve had a lot of issues trying to get any sort of conversation started on Bumble. In my experience, the guys tend to be more attractive, but that isn’t particularly helpful when none of your matches will write you back. I like the concept of it, for sure, but the only app I’ve ever had success on has been Tinder,

I have a sneaking suspicion no one on Bumble is real. The pics are all a little too perfect, and it’s tumbleweeds and crickets as far as actual communication.

I haven’t had much success with any dating apps. A few dates here and there, but never anything more. I’m sure a lot of that is down to the fact that it takes me a while to loosen up and feel comfortable around new people, and I have no idea how flirting works.

Ugh, I can’t with this. People with money blowing up their lives = a whim. People without money blowing up their lives = throw their asses in jail and throw away the key.

Could not find gif, but...

We need to have a serious conversation about consent in this country, because too many people just don’t get it. And that is completely inexcusable.

I can’t stop picturing Hillary Clinton kissing her fingers and pressing them to her wallet sized photo of Beyoncé for good luck before each speech. “We got this, Bey...who run the world?”

When assholes cause their own downfalls.


“Tim Kaine, can America go to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch today?”
“Did you ask your mother?”
“Yeah, sure. Why not.”

He’s the father-in-law you dream of, and then regret 5 years later when you’ve accidentally instigated an affair.


The movie should cast all the Chrises, just to fuck everyone up.

That moment where he went up right behind her and just stood there staring while she talked made me so uncomfortable. I watched with a bunch of friends and all the women thought it was so creepy and none of the men could understand why.

Shit, good eye! I missed that. What a sleezeball way to react to seeing your sister not wanting to be kissed by your father. Dafuq is wrong with the Trump men?

Yep, she swerved the way I do around my furniture when I’m shutting off lights to go to bed. Not today, couch. Not ever, bookcase.