
Tell me why this girl who felt unsafe and threatened is being punished more severely than cops who have used the same words to describe their feelings in relation to their actions.

32 year old Ryan Lochte = just boys being boys

it was sublime, everyone was sublime

If you don’t want your daughter to hear the word “pussy” maybe don’t let her watch the segment where you’re defending Donald Trump bragging about grabbing women by the pussy then don’t have children, because you’re an uptight prude who thinks certain syllables have magic power.

Yes, you’re certainly right. I don’t want to turn this into the oppression olympics, and any suggestion that black people other POC “have it so good” is patently ridiculous.

I’m going to make this my official reply gif every time there’s a Nate Parker story:

I knew I forgot to watch something. Now I need to see this.

Hey now, let us not argue about who we hate more, you are all ungrateful children that we hate equally.

Agreed. I wasn’t a big fan of his music prior to his discovery of my 80s R&B/funk playlist. Now, I’ll listen to him all day (in between Dazz Band, Shalamar, DeBarge, The Jets....).

Fun fact: Kenneth Branagh was thisclose to being cast as Mozart. Only at the very last minute they decided to go with an American. KB didn’t hold a grudge, though; he cast Hulce in his Frankenstein remake.

Even more off-topic...Mozart originally wanted to marry Constanze’s sister, Aloysia Weber. He switched to Constanze after Aloysia wouldn’t have him. Aloysia was a professional soprano, and Mozart gave her the ultimate compliment/payback by writing an opera role specially for her...

The court case documents are online for public view, and actually, yes, a lot of people have read them. I suggest you do the same, because they’re not only horrific but also pretty damning, and you might change your tune re: Parker’s innocence. The friend was only acquitted because the victim didn’t want to testify

I’m not proud to admit it but when I heard Parker’s “I have nothing to apologize for.” I got so pissed at Union. Then I got pissed at Parker & co for trotting out the black woman to attempt to clean up the mess he made.

Incensed, outspoken Chinese men are my aphrodisiac.

You said everything. EVERYTHING.

Her character was supposed to be very vulgar and lack taste in Amadeus, but she herself looked lovely in costume.

He shouldn’t have focused on himself and his feelings so much. Since he knew he was going to be asked about it, he should have crafted a statement with a media coach that solidly addressed how wrong his actions were in 1999 and how even though he was ultimately found to be not guilty of anything criminal, he

what does that mean? this movie and Nate Parker have gotten a pass by so many simply because he’s black. if you look at the reviews, the most scathing ones have been by black critics (New Yorker review comes to mind). white guilt is a strong force, especially among Hollywood liberals, though strangely male guilt

This movie is total perfection. I love it so much.

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