
Netflix has that problem: every other thing, or more, is a Netflix original. They hide content, etc. And recently Amazon Prime has made every other category show off stuff you can pay for, not stuff that comes with the streaming service you already pay for.

You’re on the chopping block, Amazon. And you’re not far

RIP Apple TV+ Plus Pro. I bet this will take a chunk out of Netflix subs too, at least for some time, they will be ok since they invested into a ton of original content. Though I have been a happy Netflix customer since the old days of DVD by mail and have Amazon Prime, I will have to check out this new Disney service

I have been underwhelmed by the Netflix produced stuff. It seems very spitballed: they green light everything in hopes of a few sticking.

By “adult nerds” do you mean people who like enjoyable movies you insufferable twatwaffle?

Well Netflix has been going the direction to procure more of their own content. I’m not a big fan of scrolling for something to watch when a huge chunk says “Netflix Original.” I myself am very interested in the service, as Ive tried some of the live TV offerings and was not impressed. SO at $6.99, thats not a bad

If that’s true, the article was really not clear on that.

99% of people on this site are going to poo poo this because they are losers.

Because they would cost like eight hundred billion dollars. You could buy a solid gold mansion and a jetcar with that kind of money!

Did you notice the $6.99 price before you commented?

Way to bury the lede!

what if Steve Rogers stayed a scrawny, young kid but joined the fight with an armored suit built by Howard Stark?

For instance, our first episode will ask the questions: what if Peggy Carter was the one who became a super soldier and what if Steve Rogers stayed a scrawny, young kid but joined the fight with an armored suit built by Howard Stark?

This is the correct take, yet Deadspin for some reason feels compelled to run with this narrative that it is all the Pelicans’ fault. It’s myopic and has been thoroughly debunked. If people want to criticize the Pelicans for not building a good enough roster around Davis, reasonable minds can disagree about that. But

I think the staff is trolling us at this point. I hope the staff is trolling us at this point. 

“But if Gentry is looking for anyone to blame for creating a toxic environment in the organization, he should look at the executives above him, who first refused to honor Davis’s trade request.

I just don’t get it guys. Anthony Davis tried to force the Pelicans to him to LA for a bunch of scraps and the Pelicans said no. All of those players are somewhere between butt and potentially not butt. It also came out that all the leaks were actually from the Lakers because they’re idiots. I still don’t get why the

All of this information is obvious, and I don’t know why this article clearly ignores all of it just to stand by Deadspin’s pro-labor (as long as that labor is millionaire athletes) agenda.

The Knicks, even with LeBron and Durant, would find a way to miss the playoffs as a non-existent chandelier would fall on Durant during his first practice and he’d tear his ACL.

Hey man, it was the 80s. Shit was wild. Who among us didn’t dip our dicks in cocaine and totally fuck up Pam Greer’s cervix. Wait... I might be thinking of Richard Pryor.

Perhaps it’s more likely that LeBron helped to push him out?