
Sorry this just looks like mud. Alvarez is gonna dial up the stupidity and gore too which I feel like didn’t work for Covenant. Like truly just name it Alien: Idiots Explode Into Blood and be done with it, because there’s nothing here that really strikes me as the first two movies (and a bit of 3) that its so

I think you’re right, in that it seems fine and competently made, at least from the trailers? I bet it’ll be an entertaining watch. But I’m also not particularly interested on making a point to watch it, because I’m not sure it really has anything new to explore in the franchise, and if it doesn’t, why do it?  But I

“Hi, gang! We’re gonna stop at this abandoned, derelict space station.”

“In space, no one can hear you say ‘no,’”

I REALLY hope Alvarez doesn’t introduce Alien sexual assault to the franchise because he seems to be really into that based off his previous movies.

Between methodological errors in the sizing of polls in States that ran closer than statistical margins of separation and not performing polls in States that had such wide margins of projected victories, the numbers have been garbage for a decade.

It bears mentioning that former President Donald J. Trump wears diapers and shits himself regularly. People around him often are overwhelmed by a stinking miasma of feces and Axe body spray.

Musk should definitely be trump’s VP.  Not born in the states, you say? bosh-flimshaw! The supreme court allows insurrectionists to run for president, no such limitations apply to trumpy prezdent efforts!

 Or a well-placed hand grenade. 

administration is ... importing voters

Birds of a shit-slicked feather and all that...

Why are you using a picture of the inside of an unfortunate Taco Bell toilet for this article? I assumed you would have used one of trump and musk.

Of course Billionaires want Trump to be President, he’ll give them all the tax breaks while screwing over the working class.  Too bad MAGA supporters are too dumb to see that.

Elon looks like he’s paranoid about China getting his fingerprints off of that glass.

they should both be hanging from lamp posts

“he landed in West Palm Beach on Saturday, March 2, and left the next day.”

No no no, they are importing voters by giving them registered voting cards of dead people by the millions, my great grandma voted last election at 132. /s

A giant meteor missed the opportunity of a lifetime.

The worst person you know just... proved, once again, that he’s the worst person you know.

Maybe he's going to lend him $600 million. Old Donnie's going to need it in the next 2 weeks.