
Hot take. Andor is one of the most overrated shows I have ever seen. The first 3 episodes put me to sleep. One of the main villains is a mama’s boy who is plain boring for most of the season and “the heist” was just not interesting at all.

They won’t even need the Supreme Court, because Trump can just change the rules for VP if he gets elected... I mean back in the day the loser used to be the VP until Thomas Jefferson changed it when he got elected...

Depends on who is doing the polling. For example the latest polling done by the NY Times was based on calling 970 people...yes you read that right... Nine Hundred and Seventy...how any one can take that serious is beyond ridiculous...

What’s weird, is that Musk’s plane was there the previous weekend as well according to that same social media presence that follows his flight plans...

I don’t completely disagree, but they could have salvaged it. TLJ was too late in the game to course correct. I didn’t particularly like TFA but if they had stayed that course it would have at least been mindless fun. Instead we got TLJs hard right and the disaster that was ESB.

This is what some people don’t seem to understand. episodes 1-9 is the Skywalker Saga...so yes its all about the same family.

Given how much the main narrative thrust of the Star Wars saga ended up being terrible

You are 100% right. Star Wars was never complex. It was Jedi are good. Sith/Emprie are bad. Simple. If you wanted more complex Scifi there was Star Trek and countless other media.

the man has been found guilty of sexual assault and more recently has invited Russia to invade NATO allies but yeah “mean tweets”...smh

Its not the “only” way. Also the problem with setting it in the 60s is that if they appear now in the 2020s that would mean Reed Richards is going to be 60 years behind in technoogy advancement but still be the smartest person in the world? Also...60 years is going to be huge culture shock to all 4 of them.. but i

Yes. That is exactly what was said and the sentiment that was conveyed in that post.... such a disingenuous reply.

You forgot the part where he was also partially responsible for the space Nazis best weapon but for some reason felt it was better to run away...

and just imagine if they had actually followed through on the end of 7 instead of upending the saga in the penultimate film...

Seriously...The Anime was two short Seasons of course there was no filler.

yeah one women beater for another....

EXACTLY! Like hello, your “version” isn’t what made millions of people fall in love with it...it really isn’t rocket Science. The closer you stick to the original property the better it will be received the more chance at success you will have...and yet Hollywood still doesn’t understand that.

exactly what I think when directors and showrunners say “our version”... err your version wasn’t why millions of people fell in love with the property...*shrug*

you like the live action...and you saw the anime? honest question.

There is actually not that many “filler” episodes. It has less filler than any of the other anime from its time. There is an unofficial project online that you can look up where they actually able to condense the 1000 episodes into about 350 without cutting any non-filler story. The problem One Piece has is pacing,

Filler is not the right word. One Piece actually has less filler than Naruto, Bleach or Dragonball Z. The reason why One Piece has so many episodes is not because of Filler but because they do a lot of repetition and long intros. Sometimes between the Into and “here’s what happened last time” It takes 4 minutes plus be