
Nothing of what LeBron said was ProChina, it was was ProNBA players safety.

you really think China was going to physically harm an american icon on their soil? China doesn’t want a war with the USA or to give the rest of the world more ammunition against them. The NBA players were never in nay danger

this exactly this...if he would have kept his mouth shut or just given some league mandated neutral statement nobody would have really cared...but instead he opened his mouth and went after Morey...

except the problem is not whether he took a stand or not, nobody would have cared if he kept his mouth shut...the problem is that he opened his mouth and went against what was the right and moral thing. He portrayed himself his entire career as someone who cares and supports the oppressed..except apparently when his

I would argue that what LeBron is doing here is probably the most unselfish thing he could do.

Kaepernick kneeling isn’t putting NBA employees at risk in another country.

only stand up for people to look like us...got it...that not even remotely racist or insensitive or dickheaded...

i was wondering what nonsense the Lebron boot lickers were going to say to try and defend this BS

The Wizard of Oz episode was a pretty good “gimmick” episode, my way home i think it was called

Legal Custodians!! 

yeah i think they knew they were going to cancel and needed a “ series finale” so they just used the Fairy Tale episode as it...

Stop after the season finale of season 8.

yup. thats my theory, they replaced her with a bad Janet on the train.

i’m with you on Janet but not Michael...why would he give her that speech? they had basically won at that point, she had given up.

i’m a fan of Jenny..but um this looks horribly unfunny...I went from being curious to definitely not wanting to watch after this trailer...

They don’t care. I just went through this, this past off season with the Yankees, they were in a perfect spot to add Hall of fame talent like Haper/Machado and get the best Arm out there, Patrick Corbin...and instead they went cheap...the fact that they some how succeeded to have a great record even by going cheap is

i think it just takes one big one. If Romnys Balls ever drop and and he takes a real stand against Trump, starts rallying his fellow republicans, they will follow. Right now they are all too afraid of losing power...

wow. how much fox news do you watch exactly? Every word that this president utters is a nightmare. He insults his own government at every turn, has told other countries not to let his own congress people into said country?? Says racists things every other minute, insults more people, is so arrogant he took a SHARPIE

wants to illustrate how deep a divide may develop over impeachment by partisan efforts.

The Red Sox are the type of franchise that are supposed to raid other teams for guys like Mookie Betts, not the one that should be thinking about pushing him out the door for the sake of saving a few million dollars.