
i’m sure he would, i have nothing against people pointing out thier favorites...just people making a big deal that he didn’t include any females...

wow such a sexist. Lets kill him on twitter and ruin his career!!!

“Given that this brushes up with previous comments that, should the deal go through, Marvel would be fine keeping a character like Deadpool like his current cinematic portrayal in a separate “R-Rated” branch of movies, it’s perhaps worth taking these rumors with a heaping dose of skepticism for now. [Comics Genre via B

“Given that this brushes up with previous comments that, should the deal go through, Marvel would be fine keeping a

do you know this commentator? no of course not. but yup lets just assume hes sexist. this is whats wrong with this world, as soon as some one says something different they are automatically labeled Racists or Sexist...

Lebron has the greatest PR team of all time. EVERY single loss his entire career was always someone else’s fault.

don’t worry, when the Cavs lose it will be completely blamed on his team mates just like all his loses are. His precious name won’t get sullied....

thats a good point. i would probably watch that. All these producers still think that shows and movies need to be tied to a bigger franchise...

don’t forget the Yanks-Baltimore brawl in 98 that one escalated when the bullpen got there.

he got thrown at..TWICE in the same at bat....

“it has a ton of potential”... for who? Superman fanatics? who else would care about what happens to Supermans Grandfather??? I mean Gotham at least you get to see the rise of Batmans Rogue Gallery (i don’t like the Gotham but i can at least understand why some people would)

not if the Rock can turn around and have his choice of other jobs that are worth millions of dollars....

what is sad is that this wouldn’t shock me..at all.

yeah everything is about Racism....

you can add Dwill to that list, he was once considred right up there with CP3, but then he hurt his ankles and pushed himself to play in Brooklyns first year and was never the same again...at least he got his money, but most of those ungrateful Nets fans don’t even realize his career was ruined because of that team

In retrospect?? i thought i was taking crazy Pills. i couldn’t understand how everybody was loving that trade. it was ridiculous. The Cavs were trading a top 10 player in his prime for a tiny player who just had hip surgery...

yeah but thats probably 50% media hype and everybody forgetting Blade exisiting. You had people who have never seen a comic book and would never again see a comic book movie go and watch BP because the media proclaimed its cultural significance...

whats really crazy is that if the first 8 episodes of season 1 weren’t so bad, i am 100 percent convinced this would be one of the highest rated and most loved comic book shows ever. Its just so good, but because of the high expectations and badly flubbed first 7-8 episodes people just could never forgive them and get

agreed. they were really finally starting to capture that magic towards the end, but unfortunately it was too late. they had lost too many viewers by then

The second part of that season was actually pretty good, but the first part was just i don’t know what...

not to take away the from the greatness of the black panther movie or the character...but that success was mostly media hype. You had people going to see that movie who had never seen a marvel movie and who will probably never see another marvel movie...so really no reason edit the movie...