
I hate tire stretch so much. It is the lamest thing ever. It’s like a large person trying to fit into a coat way way too small for them. Or a clown shoe lol.

And they’re stupid.

Don’t forget how stupid “they” all are. 

During the 80s, the Hollywood profitability ratio was 12 to 1. We made $12 of ticket money for every one of ours spent. During the 90s, that ratio fell to 3 to 1. Our filmmakers had become dependent upon experimentation. They had lost some of their recycling skills. Now, Top Remake was created to teach ACM...

The story at the time (probably apocryphal) was that Liam Neeson was so frustrated with the process of shooting Episode I that he swore off working in film for a year and performed in plays to get his groove back.

This is the way.

Hmm, after seeing her ride the lightning, I half expected there to be some Metallica.

“Ohh. There will be...there will be.”

Because all the brodozers already have a dildo behind the wheel.

This article had me trying to remember if Battle For Endor or the other Star Wars TV stuff from the ‘80's had any babies... then I realised they’re conspicuously absent from a Disney+ that has nearly every single Marvel- related anything on it, including all of the cartoons. So why not the Ewok- centric TV specials?

Another example of Mexico truly sending its worst criminals here. This one seemingly even bonded with a host family before trying to make off with their vehicle.

I also thought of it as a quiet space where he might polish his helmet.

Very solid names :D
I forgot all about the trek maquis lol, bit ashamed since I’m a fan and also french ^^

Come work for Tesla, our suicide nets are made out of velvet!

Yeah I agree. Only the back comes anywhere close to mustang inspired to me, which is disappointing. 

“Welcome to Los Pollos Hermanos. May I take your first order?”

Better Call Maul.

Grand Moff Fring

I stand corrected. Good show old chap! [I’m still stuck in Graham Hill mode]

Toyota’s dual motor-generator Hybrid Synergy Drive and the versions of Honda’s motor-on-crankshaft Integreted Motor Assist do not work in the same way. Toyota’s system doesn’t have a conventional transmission that could be replaced with a MT. It’s planetary gear set adjusts the amount of power from the engine and

Totally different system. In the Insight and the HCH, the electric motor is also the engine flywheel. That’s why the car still works as a car even with the hybrid battery completely removed. In the Prius the motors are the transmission. If they don’t work the car won’t go at all.