
I was staring at that damn logo so hard trying to make sense of it.


*scrolls down to vote crackpipe*

I mean that’s pretty much pitch perfect right?

Wow! This is the first time I’ve heard a logical and correct answer to this “Problem”.  I’ve told my kids a hundred times that if you pick a job that a trained monkey can do, you are in for a long sad life since these are the jobs that will be automated. Learn to build, fix, and program the robots and you will always

Fir sure. 

Shut ‘er down early, this is the COTD

Hey, you only live once right? Might as well experience all the colors in the palette.

So proud to offer the 69th star.


Took far too long for this clip to appear. Kudos to you, good sir.

Even old and young characters don’t wear the same hue of gray

Just when we thought they couldn’t make light sabers look any stupider...


We’re just going to act like there’s not a helicopter parked on that pedestrian overpass, huh?

Get into a safe area of overview, either laze the target or send its coordinates and movement to observation aircraft in the area. Call your contact with the local commander and request a time-sensitive air strike. Stay on the horn to issue corrective directions or inform them their fire has had the desired effect.


Look, I like puns as much as the next guy, but after 7 of 9 of them I start to get Borg...

It likewise makes me engage in No. 2 at the same time.

I hear it goes great with espicardgo.