
Looks like someone is gunning for Endgame’s #1 spot. 

I can’t stand it! I know you planned it! 

“Wow, amazing. NONE of the Citroen trucks lasted more than 3,000 miles and they all failed catastrophically! Congrats on the sabotage.”

Tell me in the comments below whether lap times impress you or you’re bored by the trend.

We all know what Ray Wert would do.

“Operational Necessity” is the legal term of art that KillerBee was looking for. And it’s pretty much a carte blanche exception to any and all administrative military regulations, when it can truly be justified.

My favorite was when they insisted on receipts for everything. For years the policy was “no receipts if under $20" Or “use GSA rates for the town you are in”. But because they figured someone was cheating them out of a few dollars, it was receipts for everything. A coworker would go to the food court at the airport. A

But then they open a wormhole to the multiverse, linear time loses meaning and all hell breaks loose.

This is jedi-level Volvo knowledge. I’ve seen this raw strength only once before. It didn’t scare me enough then. It does now. 

This is correct, except for the weird-shaped window. It’s a correctly shaped window because it helps with the view, as a window should. 

I will never purposefully kill a mosquito again. I will only attempt to maim them!

I’ve never seen you looking so angry as you did tonight
I’ve never seen your armor so bright

This guy electrics.

Very thorough and respectful answer! You win the Internet for the day 👍🏻 

Just start melting the butter; I’m good either way.

I’ve learned in coding that anytime I think that I’ve made something idiot proof, along comes a better idiot.

That song is peak Audi ownership.

He was only in space for a couple weeks. The 5-year jump happened after he’d already gotten back.

welp, i guess i’m gonna be using the term “rural property” much much more from now on.

Is rural property untrimmed bush?