
When the guy told his therapist about his nightmares of teepees and wigwams, the doc told him you’re two tents.

Some guys just really love the outdoors.

I live in Chattanooga and I can tell you the VW plant is still considered the most prestigious employer in the area. If you tell someone you work for TVA, or one of the big manufacturing companies here, you’re going to get a polite, “oh” that basically means, “that’s nice/ I think I’ve heard of them.” But if you mentio

And the winner is Big Bang Theory. 

They say that tracing rays is hard to do
Now I know, I know that it’s true...

Close but no cigar. It’s a Dodge Omni. Rabbit clone. Rear marker light, fender flare, and window kink all check out.

My guess is that it’s a Honda CVCC.

Your interpretation is one direction it could go. This is why the discussion needs to be settled early- or else we risk bringing about another gif-type debate for all eternity.

Well, we do know that at a certain point the Picards gained English accents.

Now playing

I thought Burgundy relocated to the UK in the 1950s.

Tesla’s $49000 Truck Online Black Friday sale.* **

Love those. The only thing missing is Calvin getting electrocuted.

So your decision was based on the dough.

I wanted a McLaren Senna, but I bought a pizza instead.  It was a tough decision initially, but money did factor in.

Another nerd reference that says the only way to win is to cheat is the good old Kobayashi Maru.

You’re in the right lane...right?  If you’re going to cruise along under the limit, make sure you’re not camping in the left lane and screwing up the whole process.  

No, they’re doing it right. The author was referring to the temperature of the beer when you drink it, not how you store the beer itself. If it is too cold, it numbs your tongue and taste buds. That’s the whole reason Coors wants you to wait until the mountains turn blue; you won’t be able to taste how bad it is

For those people, there is a much easier solution! It goes a little something like this...