Well that seals it. I have a 50 year old Triumph, and tomorrow I’m going to see what it will take to have the entire thing Magnafluxed.
Well that seals it. I have a 50 year old Triumph, and tomorrow I’m going to see what it will take to have the entire thing Magnafluxed.
I have better things to do than constantly monitor Kinja for replies.
And if the dealership lands some schmuck who coughs up the big bux, that means they were exactly right in doing so.
I mean, they probably flew away with your sense of humor, so...
Cars are the new toilet paper.
None? Considering how many BLs were convertibles... I find that statement very hard to believe.
As an owner of a car featuring said legendary BL build quality... that is a very bold statement. I have to wonder if you really know how bad Tesla would have to be to match the dismal standards set forth by Leyland and Lucas.
Southern rock is just country that doesn’t suck. Prove me wrong.
You’re not wrong. They should, but they don’t. In my experience, if they don’t know, they just invent an answer to make it sound like they do. Never met a car salesman that was above lying to make a sale. I think they’re just mad that they have to work a little harder to lie more convincingly.
I like how you made the Yugo logo look like a guy in an angry rage throwing his hands up in frustration. And also his hair is on fire. It’s very appropriate.
Car salesmen don’t know anything about the ICE cars they are currently selling, beyond what color interior you can get. Why anyone would expect them to accurately field questions about the future of charging technology is beyond me.
First thing I noticed. It’s got a total Munsters vibe going.
I guess you didn’t read the section on avoiding DMV Rage. Just back away slowly and avoid eye contact.
Civic Si owner here...
I live in America and it won’t fit in my garage. A Miata barely fits. I have seen lots of garages in America where it will fit. That’s the great thing about America: you can have whatever size garage you want.
Every pickup driver that still has a Trump 2020 sticker on the bumper disagrees with you.
That’s a good point. I’m with you there.
4th Gear: