
Keep in mind, U-Haul does NOT guarantee reservations. It is very likely that you may show up on a busy weekend only to be told that the truck is not there for you, and they will fault the the previous user. Your reservation fee is gone, and you have to wait even 2 days. Go with a company that will guarantee the

Not nearly my wildest speculation but I'm almost certain it has to do with porn.

Oh, I meant to include that one. Not sure how it got left out!

That's a start. Now bring me Plex and everyone I know gets Chromecast for Christmas.

"Next up, war with China. WHO CAN STOP ME NOW!?"

We used to

Close. Superbatnado Vs. Jokersaurus.


Who says he doesn't consider wrestling or Ghost Hunters to be scripted?


I see what you did there. Very nice.

Best new feature is "add to wishlist" directly from a desktop browser. No longer do I have to pull out my phone/tablet, open the store, search for an app I just read about, and tap to add.

Motorized automatic seatbelts. Before airbags were fully embraced this seemed like an intelligent way to get occupants to have at least some sort of automatic/passive protection. Better than nothing, though not nearly as good as normal 3-point manual belts. Fun note: Some cars had both motor-mouse belts AND airbags.

Behind the Green Hodor

Google Search on my Galaxy Nexus was horribly slow. Sometimes it would take a full minute to come back with the results. I even went as far as wiping my phone, but it was still slow. After yesterday's Google Search update, I'm getting results back instantly. I think Google fixed whatever was causing the slowness.

All I can think of is this:

No, that's the career of Terry O'Quinn.

I very much agree with you on this. I look at everyone going "but she's portrayed as this perfect character who can do no wrong blah blah blah!" and I'm just like... wait what? Of course, I have read all the books so I'll save you some spoilers, but no one in that universe has life handed to them on a silver platter.