
YES, same here. I totally get what you mean by seeing it in "another phase of life," it's one of those films that continues to reveal new things as we get older. Great post :)

But will said robots be able to make snarky judgments about other Gap shoppers? ;)

The best, works everytime

I bought a second hand guitar for $50 and I was struggling and struggling. My friend left his Seagull S6 at my place for a weekend which is not a crazy expensive guitar, but I was amazed at how good I actually sounded. I need to upgrade soon, this thing is killing me.

With that much of a chop, it should be called the Half Astro

I just conceived a larger ship

Pixelate Before ZOD!!!

So hey, when do you want your suplex?

I've seen some things, man. You wouldn't know. You weren't there.

I sea that it was a woman who made that whale of a hole in the wall. I'm not surprised.