
Thanks for reminding me of that movie. Now I gotta go watch it again. Seems to me there was an explanation for the Yugos in the movie, but I don’t recall what it was. I’ll report back in a few hours.

Neutral: On Saturday, I lost a single needle bearing from a replacement u-joint I bought. One. Fucking. Needle. None of the FLAPS around me has one. Now I have to wait until Tuesday for another one so I can continue my project. So I’m a little cheesed off at the moment, but otherwise ok. Thanks for asking.

Je sais quoi. That it doesn’t line up properly with the wheel is aggravating my

There are blue flag rules, but they are more lenient than F1 and other series. For example, you can defend against being lapped by the leader, which is why Herta got held up for so long. Otherwise it seems to be a gentlemanly understanding of “don’t be a dick”. Johnson was maybe pushing the limits of that, but it sure

Yeah, not a “real” truck if I can’t ‘merica in it. The range is really going to suffer when I tow my yacht/fishin’ boat and 29' camper simultaneously.

You can say the same for most, if not all, F1 teams concerning their official nationality. The only thing that determines a team’s nationality is the owner, and in this case, Gene Haas is American. Case closed.

The Bolt is the new Pinto

Or, maybe you’ll just be staring at your phone, like how you shit on Earth.

People have been driving sports cars on the street since before there were race tracks to drive them on. Sports car =/= track car.

My hopes for this company just went from suck to blow.

You, sir, are today’s winner.

Dumb, yes. Also awesome.

Here’s hoping it stays that way.

It’ll never be a real Mazdaspeed3 unless it comes from the factory with torque steer that wants to kill you.

UPS and anyone that wants to make their plane look like a flying turd.

Manual or autopilot available. And it comes in brown.

I remember when Kanye thought Kanye was a genius. Everyone else? Not so much.

Either that person knew it was offensive, or he didn’t. Either way it’s bad.