
Yes, it’s a noose. And there’s no logical reason or benefit to using that type of knot on a garage pull cord. So here’s what I’d bet happened:

Fully loaded F-150 can hit about $70k these days. You can buy a house for that much in my area. Ain’t no mansion, but it’s a place to keep your stuff.

Lighten up, Francis. It was a joke.

I guess the old saying is true. You can’t drive a house, but you can sleep in a truck that costs as much as one.

four wheels and four pneumatic tires capable of holding air

Oh come on. You can tell Harley cares about women because they put sparkly shit on some of their t-shirts.

Unfortunately, the car still succumbed to the owner’s bad taste.

This is finally happening in Ohio. At the end of this month... no more front plate required.

Godspeed Bob and Doug

Exactly. Not trying to talk you out of a new one, but it sure is nice having an extra couple hundred bucks in your pocket every month. Once you get used to it, you start thinking twice about whether that expense is really worth it or not.

Spend a couple months without a car payment before jumping into another. You may end up hanging onto your current car for a while after that.

There’s no reason why you can’t have an engineer’s race that is also close and exciting. I’m an engineer, and part of engineering is working within a budget. Doing the most you can with a finite amount of resources and dreaming up creative solutions to maximize that budget.

Kind of... that’s a good example, though. It really has more to do with speed than processor type. There are other technical differences between Celeron, Core i3/i5/i7 chips. However, within each family, it’s very true. Several chips of a certain type (let’s say, Core i5 for example) get made on a silicon wafer

Interesting. But as someone with tons of factory work experience... just because things are made in the same factory or on the same assembly line doesn’t mean they are the same. Sometimes tooling gets changed over, one batch of parts gets used for one brand vs another. At the simplest level, sometimes the stuff coming

In my experience, their Pittsburgh brand jacks are the one thing they sell that you can actually rely on. Of everything I’ve ever bought there, it’s the only thing that still works perfectly after several years. Damn near everyone at our local autocross has one, and they’ll all tell you the same thing.

Mexico’s industrial safety standards have never been exactly awe-inspiring, anyway. Not sure why we would expect them to change now.

Going to MIT to get an MBA feels like going to McCormick & Schmick’s and ordering a cheeseburger.

These are private races. The iRacing Gestapo only polices the “official” races. You can be a giant douchebag all you want in the private sessions.

That iRacing takes itself too seriously is precisely the reason why it’s the perfect platform for Lemons.

How exactly is that obvious, or are you just making that assumption because you’re so much smarter than everyone else? There’s no other description or explanation other than the two words “artificial oxygen”. I can imagine Hollywood taking that a hundred different ridiculous directions.