
So how much did you bid on it, Mr. Tracy?

Earth Girls Are Easy. Jeff Goldblum, Damon Wayons, and Jim Carrey play furry aliens that try to fuck Geena Davis.

3rd Gear: White House Closely Examining Teeth of Gift Horse

There was a baby in the second one. Boom. Family.

You mean this? That’s the current GT86 and BRZ. I’m still confused about where these additional details in a photo are at...

Those photos of 4-door cars are most likely the next Camry, not the next 86. You don’t say it explicitly, but you seem to imply that those are the 86.

Nice job grafting a Mazda 3 rear onto a Honda.

Rimmer Bros and BP Northwest are also having sales right now, for all your ancient British car part needs. Taillights included (probably).

Does Plan AB come after Plan Z? Or did you mean to say Plan A & Plan B?

This gives me an idea...

You might be eating those words when Ford’s new compact pickup debuts. OK, it won’t be body-on-frame, but it’ll do the job that those trucks did just fine. Everyone said there was no way you could make a sports car as small as the original NA Miata anymore for the same reasons you state here. Then the ND Miata showed

Oof. Reading comprehension fail. Sorry about that.

“but that it was optimized to work best with the tires it came with.”

Came here for this. Thanks for not forgetting about it like the rest of these hosers.

That’s what I’m talking about. But since he “finally” got his medal in TRoS, it follows logically that he must not have gotten one in ANH. That’s messed up.

No. It’s because we know very well how to make things better/cheaper/stronger/faster. But we have a weak concept of the psychology behind what makes people buy things, and what the market demands. But that’s ok. We don’t care. We have better things to do. 

The real problem with that moment is that, since 1977, we all assumed Chewie got a medal, he just didn’t wear it for whatever reason. Didn’t really matter.

As a fellow engineer, I assure you that you (we) are in the minority when it comes to our views on such things. When a manufacturer sets out to make shitloads of money selling cars, they do not ask the engineers (us) how to do it, and there’s a good reason for that.

The big news here is that it looks good in green.