
You’re not wrong. But those things don’t sell cars (and by “cars” I mean crossovers). Shiny, fancy whiz-bang gadgets sell cars. If you don’t have those things and the other guys do, people that don’t care about driving dynamics (i.e., people that don’t read Jalopnik) will be buying their cars, not yours.

Reasons for the film’s failures are not excuses. I’m not sure what “to be fair” means in this context. I’m not sure what “to be fair” means in this context. You had the biggest entertainment company in the world with endless time and resources available to them, with the ability to make the final chapter in arguably

Whose 1969 Beetle is that?

I feel like this is somehow related to Ghosn’s escape from Japan.

That’s why yours has been ok. Only high mileage cars have problems. So far you’ve only added kilometers.

Right. Always make sure you get your tissues from the most germ-infested room in the building.

Electric Italian cars leak electrons, not oil.

I can’t really tell in these images if it’s wood or brushed metal, textured plastic, or gila monster skin, but whatever it is, it looks nice and fancy.”

I never thought I’d say this, but I... don’t like it. It’s too much. I’d expect this from a Subaru WRX STi B22 Group X Rally Edition Special Hammerhead Thunderthrust, but not Alfa. It lacks class.

““That was a totally invented number,” Christopher Fabricant”

Man, somebody at Toyota is gonna be really pissed when they find out they got duped into spending $400M on an Adobe Illustrator file.

Admit it. What your inner redneck really wants to build one itself out of a C4 and an S-10 with two Iron Dukes welded together behind the driver.

So, they were asked to leave or else they’d ban them. While it may not be a literal ban, it’s still effectively a ban.

Sure looks like it. Good for him. After going through all that, I’d be dancing barefoot and naked through a field of daisies, just because I could.

Boy that looks cool. I personally wouldn’t go for it, not my cup of tea, but it sure looks good and well built. But then you lost me at “salvage title”.

Translation: Yup. That’s why we made sure we a) got their money upfront, and b) didn’t really need it to operate in the first place. We’re not stupid.

It’s not the existence of the belt that’s the issue, but how its installed. The sub belt is supposed to pass through the seat, not wrap around the front.

Wow. A little digging seems to confirm that to be true. I am a bit surprised, but also not really. 

Don’t do this. Just don’t.