
Racism was directly addressed as far back as TOS, even.

Much better than yesterday morning’s Nickelback.

“ “”

Apparently it’s SUPER IMPORTANT to national security that they explain exactly how they’re going to sexually assault you before they sexually assault you.

But it adds weight! To a 3 ton vehicle! Oh noes!

The entire prequel series is a case study in actors doing the very best with the crap they are given. Lee, McDiarmid, Portman, Christensen, the list goes on... all very fine actors who were handed a garbage script and led by a rotten director.

Tell that to the author of the article. He’s the one that called it a tracksuit. I was just following his lead.

just take the tracksuit jacket off. Man, that thing is gonna have a stench by the end of this movie, apparently.

Happy to know that my cynicism is misplaced this time.


That generation of Escape is notorious for ball joint failures, and Michigan is notorious for causing all kind of cars to rust and fail prematurely, so it would not be surprising to see two Escapes with ball joint failures at the same time in Detroit.

Nonsense. States have inspections for the same reason they have unmanned speed cameras: money.

Those are Venkman’s lines from the first movie, but it sounds to me like Paul Rudd’s voice.

The original Tesla Roadster had a 244 mile range, weighed ~2900#, and cost $100,000. That was in 2008.

140k miles is heartening? This is a 30 year old Italian car we’re talking about, not a Honda. If you ask me, 140k on this car means a rebuild is long overdue.

Lowering != stanced. “Stanced” means excessively lowered with an exaggerated amount of negative camber, done purely for show and not performance. A small degree of -camber and lowering is usually a good thing, and that’s what I see in those photos.

I don’t know what your definition of “stanced” is, but I don’t think anything has been done to this other than maybe a slight lowering. Even so, it’s definitely not been parked. An Alfa with 140k miles on the clock has been driven within an inch of its life, if it hasn’t had a recent rebuild. Those chrome intake

How long?

I’d really like to star this, but Kinja won’t allow it. 

I’m honestly surprised there isn’t already petition going around to rewrite the movie and change the ending.