
HA! That’s so true. Which is why I bought my GT6 with the rotoflex suspension. Which is ever so slightly better. And also worse.

But that’s not me.

As few good examples that may be left, there are likely even fewer serious buyers. The market for a 164 is a buyer’s market if there ever was one.

Today? No. But get in touch with this guy next fall after its been sitting on the market all summer and the seller hasn’t gotten a bite since February. Make that offer and settle for $3-3.5k.
The market for these cars is sooooo small it’s ridiculous. Very few people even know what they are, and even fewer actually want

I mean, I hope he finds a buyer at this price, I really do. This is a fantastic example of a really cool car. However, I voted crack pipe since there is like zero market for these things and, when the hammer falls, it will probably sell for half what he’s asking.

It takes a Z-bar *and* a camber compensator to correct that problem? That’s some serious swing axle bullshit right there.

I don’t know why

But you still have to pay for it, which, when it comes down to it, is the barrier everyone is really complaining about.

Just because you don’t personally know any rich people doesn’t mean rich people don’t exist. And marketing an $80,000 luxury pickup truck to poor people is not going to increase sales. So don’t feel bad or angry that they aren’t trying to sell you an $80,000 luxury truck just because you can only afford a Nissan

Is there a Formula 1 equivalent to “first-world problems”? Because I can think of a few teams that would pee on their grandmama’s grave to trade their problems for Ferrari’s.

Counterpoint: steering wheel heaters are the greatest car feature there is.

You’re not the only one who was wondering that. I was really looking forward to seeing those again, but alas...

I was gonna get mad about blatant commercialism, product placement, blah, blah, blah... but then I remembered the Reece’s Pieces and I decided to just shut up and enjoy it.

You can still buy a DVD or a digital copy of those films. Or hoist the ol’ Jolly Roger, if you know I’m saying...

Is Renna just really really tall? Or is Torch secretly a Hobbit?

I guess it’s not a big a penis extension as we all thought.

Well, Porsche is already running in Formula-E, so...

They make tires, now?

You’re not going very far off road with those tires.

Actually, a terrible English accent might be right in line with this character.