
Were? Dude, they’re still around. Just made a new album this year.

Now playing

The original Meat Puppets version, for the uninitiated:

I love Star Wars as much as the next guy, but that’s a total CP from me. I still can’t wrap my head around the STAR VANRS logo...

The, um... Alfvengers?

Here’s a hint: $

Today I learned that “Prei” is German for “Piece of”

Keep your goatse pictures to yourself, please.

It’s at least 50% better looking. So it’s got that going for it.

It’s correct, so it’s at least better than wrong.

It’s a Ford Fiesta

In this case it may serve an explicit purpose, giving a potential buyer the impression that the photo was taken in 2019, not 1989, and that the condition of the car is current.

On the bright side, it’s not called the Crozz.

Bond. Jane Bond.

My hero.

Yeah. That makes for a nice soundbite/clickbait doesn’t it? Just like flying cars are always two years away...

Is it ever explained why Bylsma is wearing Han Solo’s outfit from ANH?

You’re assuming “public” hydrogen fueling stations. There are non-retail stations in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Detroit, and South Carolina according to a map provided by the US DoE (below). And surely there are other private or corporate stations elsewhere. I saw a Mirai driving around in Dayton, Ohio not too long

Take it from someone who works in automation, this is true. And don’t tell me those jobs don’t exist. We are much farther away from a full-blown automated society that pundits and fearmongers would have you believe. Automation is hard, and its not well-suited to many, many, many things. It can easily replace tasks

I like the cut of your jib. Let’s take that Kubota diesel Ferrari, cage it, and take it to a LeMons race. 

The listed price of eBay ads is a really poor way to judge the value of a car. You need to filter your search for “Sold” items to get rid of the screwball dealers. When you do that, $40k is solidly at the upper end of the market, but not out of the question, since this one looks particularly nice.