
The only shuddering plants in Ohio are the ash trees when they see the emerald ash borers headed their way.

I mean, back then they still thought Pluto was a planet and the moon was made out of cheese. You gotta cut them some slack.

Thanks. There’s really nothing quite like a Hummer on the beach.

Badass Motherfucker

I just sold a Miata to buy a Triumph GT6. I think your friend and I are cut from the same cloth.

Thanks to the aforementioned refund, I can say the same.

Van Helsing was the only movie I’ve ever walked out of and demanded my money back.

That movie was good, dumb fun. Very tongue-in-cheek and well aware of its own ridiculousness. Kinda Sam Raimi-ish.

I think it’s more a case of:

No, but it usually ends there.

I was under the impression that a Hummer couldn’t get you pregnant.

I’m trying to imagine Ed Begley Jr *fitting* in a Bradley GT. He is not a short man.

I once went to my local urgent care with a dizzy feeling like what’s being described here. I told the doctor that the last time something like this happened, I just had a large buildup of wax in my ears that needed to be cleaned out. But this time I had already tried the home irrigation kit. The quack didn’t even

If the Russians know how fat I am at any given time, they’ll figure out the exact moment to launch the attack. We can’t let that happen.

First up as spokesperson for the Mach E:

Those tires could be stock tires if Bugatti really wanted them to be. I mean, it’s not like they have to try and keep the price of the car down or something.

Based on the responses you got, it’s pretty clear it wasn’t.

if you pay someone to do a task eventually someone is going to realize that person is your employee

Perhaps you should have clarified what you were asking about. You didn’t specify “prior to release” in your question.

I agree that season one was really good. Loved how it focused on the relationship of two middle-aged men, former enemies, now frenemies, and what lessons they learned or didn’t learn from their past. As someone who was about Daniel’s age when the original movie came out and is now about Daniel’s age now... it was very