
That is precisely what Steiner meant when he said it will be their decision. Haas clearly doesn’t give a shit where the money comes from. “You got money? We’ll put a naked pic of your grandma on our car. We don’t care. We just wanna go racing.”

The ronto was one of the few things Lucas did right for the Special Editions. #hanshotfirst

Took me two attempts. Still wasn’t sure it worked. It may have posted twice, I don’t know. Kinja is borked more than usual today.

Color-coded outfits, huh? So grey, slightly-darker grey, brownish-grey, grey plaid...


If you click the tornado in the b&w version, a house flies out and takes you back to Oz (color).

The only speed that matters where this car is concerned is how fast your subscription will be canceled if they ever catch you taking it to the ‘Ring... or a racetrack... or an autocross... or driving in any mildly irresponsible way... 

That’s all true, although unofficial.

It’s “you’re holding it wrong” all over again.

Clearly an Uruk Hai.

In a perfect business world, happy customers = happy shareholders.

You can’t write something into a contract that violates laws pertaining to said contract.

“great pick-up”

I’m struggling to understand how your mind made this connection. Unless your “spouse” runs on batteries.

There’s hope for us yet...

Menlo is a way better name. I would like to believe that a higher percentage of Americans than Chinese understand where it came from. I would also like to believe monkeys can fly.