
Legends was actually the first one I read, so that was my gateway to the whole series. I was maybe in high school? Can’t remember. Pretty amazing how well it worked just going into it cold without the background that Chronicles lays out.

With nerd friends like these, who needs nerd enemies, amiright?

I couldn’t find a meme for that. :)

Well... my Honda was built in Marysville, Ohio, so...

What a life you must have. You should try it sometime. It’s never a waste. Things come and go. Experiences stay with you for a lifetime. Or at least until Alzheimers sets in.

Right? Shit, man. I’ve been “thinking about vacation” since I got back from my last vacation.

This is Gizmodo. We’re all nerd friends here. Were you looking for Deadspin, perhaps?

I’ve got a bunch more in Q but I don’t want to Burnham up all at once.

Yuck. Espicardgo makes me worf.

If Uber contracted out all that marketing work, they would save themselves a ton of money. Maybe make an app where marketing people can sign up to work particular tasks where they get paid by the ad. Since they’re all contractors, they don’t have to pay them benefits, overtime, or even minimum wage!

The human body cannot subsist solely on hot dogs and potato chips.


Ruined? Or turned into a bicycle stage rally? Feels like a missed opportunity here. Would have finally made the Tour de France interesting.

This. For some people, change is hard, regardless of their level of tech savvy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa... what is this “2 door sedan” bullshit? I thought we at Jalopnik agreed that sedans have 4 doors, coupes have 2, and never the twain shall meet! Who the hell does AMC think they are, anyway? BMW?

I’ll bring the fire extinguisher. I liked it, too.

Your description of constructing the duplicate bag reminded me of that scene in Apollo 13 where the engineering team has to fabricate an air filter out of whatever they have available. I imagine the same kind of drama unfolding in your workshop, only with more rust.

Can’t wait for the inevitable recall that affects cars with VINs ending in 29000 through 31223, and also that one guy that requested “PEN15.

I wanna say there was a theory that the other goblins were the babies he took from previous girls making similar wishes.