
So at the end of the movie, which was in 1986, Maverick was slated to become an instructor at the Naval Fighter Weapons School, aka TOPGUN, which at the time, in 1986, was located at Miramar.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Oh, Roy Wort. How I miss thee.

Yeah, I knew they moved it, but it was still at Miramar at the end of the movie, so that’s where he would have been an instructor.

Could be. Maybe he retired and came back (can you do that?), and was a civilian contractor in the interim. That would give him less than 30 years of actual military duty, and the “30+ years of service” that Ed Harris mentions is more a euphamism for the time he spent working for the Navy than literal active duty.

He was definitely going to teach at Topgun at the end of the movie. Maybe he became a test pilot after that. 30 years is a loooong time. But I would think that both those things might make him an exception to the retirement rule. Somehow. I’m not a lawyer. But surely there’s a loophole there. Top notch instructors and

Either that, or he works at the Naval Academy, but he doesn’t seem like the professorial type.

I always liked how a transporter malfunction not only merged Neelix and Tuvok’s DNA, but merged their outfits into one FABULOUS uniform! It’s like the transporter suddenly went all Queer Eye.

Oh good. Looks like Evil Barney Stinson is coming back, too.

That was the first thing I thought of, but I can’t explain why.

I hear it syncs perfectly with The Wall if you start it at the right moment.

Wow. It’s almost as if you’re asking, wait, how the hell does Top Gun fit in anymore, that’s exactly what the movie asks as well.

It’s not just you. My company, privately-owned, non-government affiliated, has some really dumb travel guidelines. I have to book the cheapest flight available. I can’t book a 3-star or better hotel, even if its cheaper than a 2-star. I can’t rent a bigger rental car, even if it’s cheaper or only cost $1 more per day.

<gets sued by Energizer Batteries and Viagra>

“No bull, makes you horny”?

Steve doesn’t have a mullet. His hair is long all around.

Steve doesn’t have a mullet. His hair is long all around.

Porsche is hunting for the elusive Piëch boson, which is theorized to appear only if two cars are collided at 91.1% the speed of light.

Now playing

I’m not just going to take your word for that.

“Weird” and “correct” are not mutually exclusive.