
it’s pretty apparent that it looks like a damn Ford Ranger.

All undead bloodsuckers look alike.

I’m thinking these guys might want to get ahead of things and lawyer up now.

For all we know at this point, Thor 4 might not come out until after Guardians Vol 3.

Pfft. If the F1 Store is true to form, those $60 t-shirts will be heavily discounted sometime mid next year. In June 2020 you can probably score one for $55 if you hold out.

Right? But it would be right in line with this ongoing saga...

Is Storey implying with that last tweet that he sold his stake to Bernie Eccelstone?

at the moment we have no plan to do it.”

Glyphosate is a herbicide, not a pesticide. Although I have successfully killed a wasp with it once. Maybe it just got cancer real fast, idk.

Seems fair to me.

Badge engineering will be the death of us all.

Brutal, man. Just brutal.

If I swat a fly and only injure it, you can rest assured that the “rest of its life” consists of only as long as it takes me to find it again and deliver the killing blow.

Nah. These days they’ll do it with a redesigned CR-V. Sign o the times, man. Sign o the times.

Not when you’re complaining about how it only helps people in a better-than-average “financial position”. It explains that any pretense of giving assistance to people based on income is just marketing spin. The harsh reality is that Congress and the auto makers don’t care who buys the cars.

The tax credit is not intended to help the buyer. It’s intended to help the seller.

Is this a joke?

I’d say you have a bonafide hit with that one. But it’s about a stormtrooper, so that can’t be right.

You’re correct. In my defense, I was three beers deep when I wrote that.