
Thanks for ruining the Caterham 7 for me.

What do you want for those Amigas?

Not a stupid question. The simple answer is no. It would take a whole lot of devices charging off the same outlet for it to have any effect like that.


But you’re also so cool, Brewster.

All depends on what story you want to tell.

Kinja. Kinja is what is going on here.

If you’re acting like scum simply because someone else assumes you’re going to act like scum anyway, it only proves the following:

Which is a really poor excuse for not obeying the laws. Especially if you’re criticizing drivers for not obeying the law. “Share the Road” goes both ways, my friend.

Or... a militaristic alien race is attaching Earth. All hope is lost, until Anna Kendrick’s voice stirs latent emotions in them, putting their entire society on the verge of collapse.

Oof. Let’s cool it with the racist headlines. OK, Clarkson?

I’ve stopped using the term “idiot-proof”. In my line of work it has become apparent that “idiot-resistant” is the best we can hope to achieve.

“Well, this is an auction, so if Koenigsegg thinks its worth more, they are welcome to bid on it.” - Bonhams

Welp. I guess Mr. Lussier will be getting the first angry letter, then.

Unless they cast an actual lobster, you can be sure that somebody, somewhere will complain.

it also gives automakers an excuse to avoid throwing a full-sized spare in consumer vehicles, which helps save some weight and potentially provide more cargo space.

W8, W8,

1st Gear: I’m thinking the wheels might fall off that plan pretty quickly.

Can you post a guide to avoiding the Democratic presidential stump speeches debate?

Maudra Fara must be the Tammy Faye Baker of Thraa.