
You can see the brackets where the chains attach directly above him.

That guy’s voice is familiar. Did he sing for Impelliteri?

That’s a Gee Bee. This is a Bee Gees plane:

...is on a swing set. Death is not imminent.

Yes. Yes it is.

pitching a tent every time he visited his friend’s rural property

It was my understanding that Solitaire (and the other early Windows games) were meant to be stealth tools for training people to use a mouse. Soltaire for drag-and-drop, Minesweeper for click speed and accuracy, for example. Any truth to that?

Looks like Lotus finally ran out of names that begin with E and hired a pharmaceutical company to start inventing new ones.

Don’t fret. The stuff he was most likely drinking stretches the definition of “beer” to its limits.

Ah. For some reason I thought the Merc was a GT-R, and the third (white car) was the Merc. Please replace Merc in that comment with “white car, whatever it is” and replace Nissan with “Merc”. lulz brah. gtfo.

There’s a whole fetish industry built around pissing yourself. Maybe they know something we don’t.

But it feels so good. 

That’s crazy talk.

So if the AWD system is not designed to be driven off-road, and the 4WD system is, I wonder what the difference in the two options are?

That would be a tough argument to make. The Nissan was actively trying to pass the Merc, and the left side of the track is the racing line at that point. I mean, those moves were highly exaggerated, and surely “blocking” was on the driver’s mind. But you could also make a strong argument that he was simply defending

Wow. That was ballsy. And also kind of dumb. Shows an extreme lack of patience and discipline on the part of the Porsche driver that could have ended their 24 hours endurance race after only 5 hours. If I was on that team, I’d have been pretty pissed at that guy.

To some extent, yes. But also figure that your cable company’s price typically starts at 40-50 bucks. Then they tack on fees and taxes that aren’t in the advertised price. Then the price goes up more after your introductory period ends, or they just feel like raising the price. You can mitigate some of that by calling

The reality of cord-cutting isn’t one $8 per month subscription that has it all. It’s more like $40 or $50 split between several platforms.