
So true. Last year I went out looking for a used Mazda3. Came home with a brand new Colorado. Somewhere in between I decided I needed something to tow my Miata to the track. A thing that will happen, like, twice a year tops. The human brain is a strange and fickle thing.

There’s currently no word on how soon we can expect to see an actual vehicle.

I dunno, there’s still those grassroots endurance series where you pull a busted chair out a dumpster, get it running for $5 or less, and see if it will last for an entire weekend of racing. 

I remember the days when sniffing White-Out was illegal and I had to soup up my office chair to outrun HR. That’s how NASCHAIR was born, in case you didn’t know.

I have those on my home office chair. They roll so much better than the standard ones it’s ridiculous. I never noticed my floor has a slight incline until I put them on. Downside is that they don’t seem to change direction as easily, but for a race like that they would still be advantageous. You’re not doing

I especially like that United Airlines’ Twitter robot thinks they are talking to a guy named Rich, last name Energy. Funnier still that RE thinks they are conversing with a human being.

This is exactly the kind of childish, egomaniacal behavior I would expect from the dudebros that are Rich Energy’s target demographic.

It’s not a very good analogy, either. A combination Taco Bell/Pizza Hut is a perfectly functional Taco Bell. And you’re gonna have your Pizza Hut delivered anyway, so who cares what the restaurant is like?

well, yeah. obviously.

2077 is probably not far off from when autonomous cars will actually be ready for widespread use, so...

There Loki goes again with his time travel shenanigans! Bringing a Dodge Omni back in time just to mess with the internet...

“Where the hell am I supposed to go? If [Hamilton] had gone to the inside, he could’ve passed me.”

Funny. I kinda think the Omni is not rounded enough. Oh, well. Maybe Lok engineered some kind of Mopar-Honda partnership in the 70s in an attempt to keep the Omni from ever being built and this is the result.

You may be right. But something looks off about that too. hard to put my finger on it, but the curves of the windows, the A-pillar... just doesn’t look right. I don’t see a fuel door on the Loki car, either, although it could be hidden due to the lighting. I’m still in the CVCC camp at the moment.

Sensors to detect such things add cost. These things are designed to be super cheap, bordering on disposable for obvious reasons.

I think you may have nailed it! The only discrepancy would be that side marker/reflector on the fender looks off. But maybe it varied by market or year? Other that that it looks dead on to me.

Better not let Jalopnik get a hold of this article. Because I’m not sure what that car is, but it’s definitely not a Gremlin. Rear side window is one of the defining traits of a Gremlin, and it looks nothing like that. That looks more like a Rabbit/GTI MkI to me, although I’m pretty sure it’s not that either. Anyone

Texas and Montreal are in the Midwest?

The thing about airlines is... if you fly enough, eventually every single one of them will piss you off in one way or another. Which is why those “I’ll never fly that airline again” comments amuse the hell out of me. Sooner or later, you’re gonna run out of options.

“Worst dad joke ever” - Luke Skywalker