
Who the fuck let this through stunts, let alone the writers’ room?!”\

Just got home from ARX @ Mid-O. Lots of fun, and perfect for people with short attention spans like me! The new ARX3 cars are pretty badass, too!

If you live in a brick/mortar/concrete house, and you’re looking for a stud, you’re probably at a horse farm or a singles bar. The information in this article is not for you.

So I shall, and it will be delicious! ‘Fie’ on you and thy ilk, good sir!

The fate of modern civilization hangs in the balance. I may not be on the winning side, but I know I’m on the side that’s right.

I would think you’d say ‘Fie EV’, n’est pas? PH = F?

I always thought the Hartford Whalers got their name from a seafaring industry. Today I learned that might not be the case.

Is a pedant who is wrong really a pedant?

This. It was a mid-90s Hyundai. That should tell you everything you need to know right there. Ugly was just icing on the cake.

I saw this exact video posted a week ago noted as “somewhere in Ohio”. As others have noted, this is in neither Ohio nor Texas.

I was having a really hard time figuring out why the Devil was driving around with a license place with the name of a 1950s/60s Italian film director on it.

I’m sticking with my conquest over bad cork theory, then.

This is also supported by the fact that Lean-Luc Picard, a French man, has an English accent.

I suspect that the fact that a Chateau Picard actually exists is merely a coincidence. If it’s not, it’s entirely possible that something happened between now and the nearly 400 years in the future which caused them to produce a different kind of wine. Maybe climate change, WWIII, or the Eugenics War caused that type

Tell that to Calvin. He’s the one with the attitude, not me.

It’s a good thing they don’t require correct punctuation in the response.

Thanks for sharing your life-hating with us. Sounds like you need to move. Come on out here to Ohio. It sucks here, too, but at least its cheap to live here and we don’t have boat shows.

I’m looking forward seeing a lot more of these on Rivians.

Much like the $35k Model 3, the sub-50k truck will be available for about 20 minutes during a holiday weekend.