
It’s also appears to be called “LeMans ‘66" rather than “Ford v. Ferrari”. Or is that an international title or something?

“I don’t believe in the no-win scenario.” - Jim Kirk, NASCAR Tech

Also true in Global Thermonuclear War. How about nice game of chess? #nerdreference

I think that’s some of the more interesting, neat things about our sport, is those guys’ ability to outfox Johnny Law

Yes. I, for one, was young, dumb, and naive when I bought my first house. A little extra advice would have gone a long way. Not that young, dumb me I would have listened...

I have four cars. Come on over the next time you need to unwind.

Passes exhaust noise restriction at local track day.

You’re not alone. My favorite cars to drive in FH4 are the old British roadsters. Particularly the Spitfire. I’ll never get three stars doing anything in that car, but I love it. 


Are we still talking about the 914, or your ex-wife?

Robby wasn’t the “Danger, Will Robinson” robot, but he did make an appearance on Lost in Space.

Oh, absolutely. How could it not be fun? I didn’t mean that to sound discouraging and I did get off into a bit of a rant there. Just wanted to set expectations

That’s a good point. If I were a Chinese Candy-Crush appmaker, oil magnate, or the dictator of a small third-world country, I’d probably pay a lot more attention to these things.

I just had my coffee this morning, so I’d be in the same boat. Thankfully, that announcement isn’t forthcoming, so I’ve got time to get to the bathroom first.

Pretty much how I feel about every “supercar” or “hypercar” that comes out these days. Yet another wild looking, hugely expensive, massively powerful car that I’ll probably never see except in pictures, let alone have the chance to drive. Another crazy looking, crazy expensive, crazy powerful car that will spend its

I got two stars so far! Old farts ftw!

Another tip: Champcar isn’t LeMons.

You drank too much you big dummy!