
First of all, you’ll want to know that it’s CHAMPcar now. That’s right, the name they originally parodied is now the actual name of the racing series. It’s weird. And a little disappointing.

This shirt may be more ahead of its time that you think...

Wouldn’t be surprised if it cost $20k just to move that rock into place. The enjoyment of watching it crush that Spirit was worth every penny, however.

I have to disagree. Both were excellent Bonds. Both, Dalton especially, were saddled with terrible movies. They made the best of what they were given. Also, Goldeneye was good.

You know his parents thought that would be hilarious.

The Art of Duck Raping in the Rain?

I disagree. Mysterio’s butt and boobs pose is sorely lacking. A little photoshopping would help accentuate his bustline.

Alexa: “You sound depressed. Maybe a new pair of shoes would make you feel better.”

Doubt it. I’m thinking a tennis racquet named Prince and maybe a football he calls Russell.

I’m going out on a limb here and predicting that Ulrich and Harrier will be the head-voices of two pieces of sports equipment that keep Tom Hanks company in his isolation.

Since you’re from Australia, I read that with an accent. And then did the whole “that’s not a truck, THIS is a truck” Croc Dundee thing. I’m easily amused.

Pretty soon there’s only going to be one starship manufacturer in the whole galaxy. Customer service is really gonna suffer then.

Not unfortunate for Fortress Maximus.

That’s really interesting to hear. And complex.

Rebates are real, but the answer is that some dealers do advertise the price with the rebates already added in. However, since you get that rebate no matter what dealer you go to, they still operate on a level playing field. It’s free money from the manufacturer and should not affect the dealer’s discount at all.

I drive vehicles all the time with far poorer rear visibility than the new 3. It’s really not a big deal, especially now that rear cameras are mandatory.

“I would love to see her origin story,” she said. “It’s really interesting and really complex and makes for a really complex character, which I find interesting.

If you think that’s crazy, you should see what a rusted out shell of a Porsche 356, without an interior or running gear, goes for.