
I mean, there’s certainly room for subjectivity (and some exaggeration) there, especially with some craft beers. Some taste good no matter the temperature, some taste bad.

Truth. Although I’m certain this particular brand in question was not Red Bull or Monster.

This may be because the cold hides the taste.

I had an energy drink one time. It was at SXSW probably fifteen years ago, and they were passing out free samples of the stuff on the street. I don’t recall what brand it was. It was hot, I was thirsty, it was free, so what the hell.

“What do you want me to do? Take the bridge?” I asked him. “How’s that any better?”


So you’re saying the events of the movie take place within the past two years? Or from now into the future? Because that dog was a pup when they were watching the video, and you know he’s gonna be an old dog at the end.

Unprepared is an understatement. This is an actual photo of Alonso in their original backup car.

Adoption is preferable, but as long as he’s not supporting a puppy mill, he’s in the clear.

So you’re telling me that the Enzo gets to sit on the Iron Throne, kills Thanos, and he’s Luke’s father?

I’m going with the idea that the lead image is the last scene of the movie. In which the dude and his dog drive off into the sunset in a vintage Ferrari racecar, leaving behind that bitch of a wife and ungrateful brat of a kid.

I didn’t notice that, but I did notice the new F1 logo on the screen they were watching. And the dog was a pup in that scene. That means that either the entire movie takes place within the span of the past two years, starts recently and extends into the future, or somebody fucked up.

Unless this entire movie takes place within the last two years or so, they’re gonna need to fix this:

You just know that’s gonna happen. It happens in every god damn dog movie since Old Yeller. The only way around this is to leave five minutes before the credits roll. That’s how wifey and I got through Marley and Me. Just get up and walk out. You’ll know when its time.

Having just finished the book in preparation to watch this, I sincerely appreciate you working in the word “ineffable” into your review. I hope it’s used enough times in the series to make a drinking game out of it.

And with a snap of his fingers, half the grid vanishes.

Death, taxes, and a morning post-coffee poop. The only three certainties in life.

I just saw one still dolled up in Red Bull livery, complete with the giant can, a couple days ago driving around Dayton OH.

On the other hand, Makoyouidiot admits to buying an Outlander. I’m just not sure that’s indicative of a guy whose judgement is trustworthy. ;)