
Yuck. This is like a bigger, heavier version of a Dodge Caliber, which was hands down one of the worst cars I’ve ever driven. Redemption DENIED.

That shortcut through the grandstands never seems to work out.

Alonso surprises everyone with his natural, god-given talent and makes pole. But somehow crashes before the green flag is thrown.

But they were quite often hot-rodded versions of those cars. The HHR SS and Cobalt SS for example. Both had turbo 2.0L engines instead of the naturally aspirated one that came with the lower trims. So... not just a sticker and chrome.

Well, when actor James Dean decided to try his hand at racing, he chose to do so in a 1955 Super Speedster

That’s understandable. I basically only sat through it to get laid.

There is literally nothing these days that people won’t lose their collective shit over. Part of getting older is realizing how insignificant and unimportant these things are in the grand scheme of things. Leave the geek rage to the trolls living in their parents basement (ooo... I just realized why we call them

Drink faster.

I know, right? As a fellow software/controls/electrical engineer... I trust the machines to do exactly what they are told to do. The programmers are another story.

It’s never bad advice to stock up on beer.

Everything you need to know about how dragons work can be found here.

This is the core hypocrisy of the contract labor market.

Between the Civil War airport scene and now this, I pretty much just assume that everything I see in a Marvel movie is CGI anymore. I figure I’m basically just watching a cartoon, so I just sit back and enjoy it for what it is. 

Where did that come from?

Battle of the Planets?

How could they be there, if we humans didn’t drop them off?

It’s a smaller truck, so you may not have room for that and your depiction of Calvin peeing on [insert competitor brand]’s logo.

Get busy living, or get busy rusting.

If you’re lucky enough to get a spot on top of the stack. Otherwise that bathroom is gonna be extremely private for about 6-8 weeks.