
I’m surprised you didn’t break Kinja with that cute little joke of yours.

Well, there you go. I now feel justified in saying I want some of what she’s smoking.

You had me at 2010 Volkswagen.

Fancy Kristen also thought that Lexus minivan looked good. Did pot become legal in her state all of a sudden?

Well, yeah. My sarcasm keyboard needs recalibrating. By “can’t wait” I really meant “full on dread with facepalm at the ready”.

I guess you just found one of the few dealers that has modern car shopping (almost) figured out. That’s awesome. Reminds me of the first new car I ever bought, way back in 1998 when online car shopping was brand new. I used a service called Autobytel (which apparently still exists, but isn’t the same thing it used to

Toyota La JDM-Only

I can’t wait to hear all the crazy theories that pop up about Thor, Okoye, and Hulk based solely on that one statement and the direction they are facing on a poster.

I mean, the ones built in Moraine, OH weren’t anything to write home about either...

“The screens are too damn big!”

“turd owner”. I sincerely hope that was intentional.

That’s exactly how it should be. Go in prepared, armed to the teeth and ready for battle. That you didn’t need to bring out the big guns is a sign that they could tell you were a force to be reckoned with. Peace through strength.

The bumpers, yes. And also it’s not GREEEEEEEEEEN.

That might be the nicest X1/9 currently on the road today. Regardless what we think, he’ll get what he wants out of it eventually.

It works. Lexus nailed it.

He’s had three. One in the pilot and one in each season. At each change they’ve addressed it quite comically. Very much in line with the humor and tone of the show.

Totally fake. You can tell they used mo-cap footage from Dancing with the Stars and CGI’ed Renner and Brolin over top of it. It was cool to see Thanos moonwalk, though.

Not really. I’ve never seen the cartoons and it was fine. He got cut in half, but he survived somehow and is now half-machine. The lower half. That’s all the information I needed.

It was a nice tribute to have Leia’s Theme as the musical focal point in this first trailer.