
So I understand what you were going for with that assembly line photo. And also, for the record, in this case you are right. Both trucks are basically the same. However, your assembly line argument is not really valid. Just because two products come off the same line does not mean they are identical. It just means the

I agree that might be a worthwhile change. But that’s not what you said originally.

Watch the video in this article. You may change your mind about that.

Audimeter Assistant: Predecessor to Siri, Cortana, and Alexa, this innovative product featured a operator equipped with phone book and a set of encyclopedias. All the answers you need were only a phone call away in 1948! Fully automatic and scientific!

Again, that’s pretty much how the whole auto industry works. Car manufacturers dictate prices far more than the parts manufacturers do. They have that kind of leverage. They do the same to machine builders and equipment suppliers. Very few, if any, make money by directly selling to the car manufacturer. They sell at a

That’s pretty much how the whole automotive industry works, in a nutshell. Somehow other suppliers make it work (usually). Lucas happened to be spectacularly bad at it.

So it’ll look like a fat Mustang with a slight lift kit. Swell.

The Pirate Bay is legitimate, right? Asking for a friend.

Rebates are limited to purchases made at Participating Retailers; excludes online purchases made at Amazon.com.

Rebates are limited to purchases made at Participating Retailers; excludes online purchases made at Amazon.com.

<checks calendar>

It’s not the size of the engine that matters, it’s how you use it.

Guess I missed the joke. Nevermind, then.

OK, sure. It’s a coupe. They all share a similar shape. That and the two-door limitation is what makes them coupes (unless your name is BMW). But you’d have to be blind or terminally stupid to confuse an Alfa... any Alfa... with a Accord or Acura or whatever that is.


Some of us aren’t lucky enough to have the luxury of having our own barfing cat. 99 cents is a small price to pay to become your equal in life. Quit judging, dammit. ;)

There’s a big difference between a reminder phone call from the bank that is the originator of the loan and a harassing phone call from a debt collector. I get the whole juggling payments thing. I’ve been there. But unless you’ve got a really shady kind of loan, a bank will not send the loan to collections until you

If you’ve “forgotten” to pay your auto loan long enough for it to go to debt collection, you’ve got bigger problems than spam phone calls.

I swear to god. If I follow all the “don’t recycle this” and “don’t do this with your recycling” articles you guys have been posting lately, I might as well just put everything in the fucking trash. Nothing I put in the recycle bin is gonna get recycled anyway.

Real or fake, everything in that poster looks cool except the alien next to Finn. I really don’t want the aliens from Explorers to become Star Wars canon.

0W-20 isn’t clear.