
This. It’s a sauce, not a meal. Once you realize that and get over the fact that it just happens to share a name with a meaty bean soup from Texas, it becomes a lot less weird. Smother it in cheese and hot sauce and mmmmmm.

I use 0W-20 as well. It’s thin, but it’s still opaque. That fluid she’s pouring is not brown.

Whatever it is, it’s not motor oil. I think someone staged this as an attempt at “gurlz r dum” humor.

My God...

I mean, that’s because it’s water. The gif is clearly (no pun intended (this time)) staged.

Oh, Keanu. You had me at “whoa”.

So... this is what you get when you put Florida Man in a Mustang.

That is the clearest looking oil I’ve ever seen...

Come to think of it, when he got arrested, I thought I heard him mumble something about “If you strike me down” something something.

Miatumph approved.

Considering how the movie turned out, I think he’s the guy you’d MOST want to have on your bus. Just in case.

I mean, “Be excellent to each other” is kind of his thing.

Ooo la la... a menage á truck.

I used to run the coffee dispensary at our local Cars and Coffee a few years back. We partnered with a local coffee shop, so we always got a sample of their fancier flavored brews along with their normal medium roast for the unadventurous.

That wasn’t my intention, but yeah. I can totally hear it now! Maybe I shouldn’t have binge watched the last two seasons all at once...

In the train’s defense, the decor was probably top-notch and ultramodern when it was designed and built in 1964.

I see enough people on track days that do this, too, that it wouldn’t surprise me if the buyer insisted this was the right way to do it.

Consider this your reminder to pay attention when the flight attendant welcomes you onboard [airline name] flight number [####] to [your destination].

All that money poured into this and they couldn’t make a seat with proper holes for a 6-point. I mean, if you’re gonna run both straps through a single center hole, you might as well just use a 5-point.

Well, it’s a safe assumption that you DO care since you’re the one who brought it up in the first place. Besides, on some Jeeps the A-pillar stays in place while the windshield folds down, so your point is moot anyway.