
Sounds like this might be for you.

They also don’t understand Catholicism, apparently.

Put some wings on it, and we might finally get that flying car we’ve all been waiting for. Only two years away.

Don’t get me started on V=IR

I might not have fully opened the throttle on a rental Aveo once. It was hard to tell.

Station the character... fine.

How many were rentals?

It’s hard to pick out much of a handling difference in sport mode

Nah. Being number two is still shitty.

How specific is the parody in Airplane?

“Meh” is precisely why this thing will sell like gangbusters. “Meh” is what the people want, so “meh” is exactly what they get.

Yeah, you sound like me 25-30 years ago. Glad I grew up and quit obsessing about which crappy hair-glam-metal was “real” and which wasn’t. Listen to music you like and what makes you happy. Who gives a rat’s ass what anybody else thinks.

Lots of people said that during my formative years in the 80s and 90s. In fact, I said it myself pretty often. It was one way music snobs like me made ourselves feel superior to those who listened to “lesser” music.

Other than the wheels, I... I kinda dig it. I wouldn’t drive it, but I dig it.

Pedantic, I know, but that’s not a baseball stitch. baseball glove stitch, maybe. This is a baseball stitch (on a steering wheel cover):

I get what you’re saying, but that’s what its gonna cost you to get one from Europe. So when you compare prices between one in Europe and one in the US, I think you have to take that into account.

Assuming this car would fetch 10k in Europe, take that number and add the cost of importing one, plus travel costs to go see it (because you wouldn’t dare buy it sight unseen, right?). I’d bet that puts you within spittin’ distance of the asking price.

I dunno. It’s pretty fast, but it’s still a bitch basket.

Oh man... when they put the CD in the tray and just sat there for a couple minutes. I audibly guffawed. And I was in a theater full of pre-teens. I think I was the only one who thought that was hilarious.