
Everyone at Gizmodo Media is now a union pundit. You just have to get used to it. Maybe someday they’ll go on strike and we’ll have to put up with replacement writers from Oppo for a while. Meanwhile, they’ll keep complaining that their office is too cold, do nothing about it, and continue to tell us how awesome

Right? Every time May starts explaining something and Clarkson gives the camera a confused look and they fade out, I’m like “No wait, I wanna hear this!”

but we all know what we really learned here

I was seriously hoping he would transform into a digitally de-aged Tim Reid at that moment.

I find it pretty easy not to be obsessed with him, frankly. I just feel like I’ve got better things to do and think about than to let a man like him dominate my thoughts all day long. Hatred like that takes effort, and he’s not worth mine.

Some people around here are so obsessed with that assclown they see him in everything and everywhere. Here’s what that same image made me think of:

I’ll toss some Nickelback in the CD changer and just float down main street in my midwest hometown before stopping by the local Sizzler

They’ve been called “killer whale” since forever. “Orca” became the politically correct term when conservation efforts ramped up. Because you’re less likely to have sympathy for something called a “killer”. I still call them killer whales, because for me personally, that makes me want to save them more. Pansy-ass

Snark was the one and only intent. But thanks for the heads up.

It’s very odd. That may have been what tipped people off. As I said, wearing a mask is not uncommon, but having a whole bunch of people wearing masks while walking out of a jail together... that’s weird.

You know how you get a little sniffle or a cough, just enough to be gross but not enough to call in sick? You’d wear a mask.

It’s customary in Japan to wear a mask like that if you are sick, to prevent others from catching your illness. It’s unusual to see a whole gaggle of people wearing them while exiting a jail, however.

Excellent and well-thought out rebuttal. Bravo. 

Not to mention half the races are being shown on regular old low-tech OTA broadcast television. So I don’t need a subscription to one of those fancy-pants cable services like you rich folks got.

“These are crazy bills,” opposition politician Ilya Yashin told Reuters. “How can they prohibit people from criticizing the authorities?”

Roughly 60% of BMW’s target market is men who are overly concerned about the size of their penis, so this fits right in. (Which also may or may not be a penis joke)

Is it just me, or does the term XtraBoost seem redundant? Isn’t a boost already extra?

I know know what point you’re trying to make, except that I’m old. Fair enough. That still won’t stop me form posting pictures of cool open wheel race cars sans sans wing. I hope you don’t mind.