
Open wheel, no wing, less than 100 years old, non-penis-shaped, still badass. You’re not allowed to change the rules to suit your argument anymore.

I’m gonna have to go ahead and challenge you on that one, too.

Sit down and shut up, Donald ‘Merica.

I hereby challenge your assertion that the SRT05e is “open wheel”. Fight me.

Pfft. Details.

electric-only drive modes for speeds up to 81 mph and distances up to 31 miles

I jumped into a lake. Then remembered my phone was in my pocket. No amount of rice was gonna fix that.

No, my phone has that. I just got it a few months ago, so apparently a major breakthrough happened recently. I’m guessing CRISPR has now made that possible. The removable battery, however, is still elusive.

Pfft. Now you’re dreaming. The technology needed to implement removable batteries is the stuff of science fiction. We’ll see faster-than-light travel before that ever happens.

That’s good to hear. I love Alfas and hope to spend many hours repairing one myself someday.

I mean, sure, if “quality” and “reliability” are important to you for some reason. Thankfully for Alfa, brand enthusiasts have ignored those things for over 100 years. Mainly because the cars are really fucking gorgeous. Most of them. And when they DO work properly, they bring such joy... 

If it makes you feel any better, these cars will spend 99% of their lives in a garage or on an auction stage. The only thing they’ll waste is some rich guy’s money.

Helps that it was mostly a MK4 golf underneath.

For future reference, posts from the famous KillerBee are guaranteed to be at least 78% idiocy-free. Hey, that rhymes...

Surely not. Torch isn’t that good at photoshop, and there’s no way I was being sarcastic.

Only the name leaked. The image is what Torch hopes it looks like.

I know, right? It’s almost as if somebody took an image of a Renegade and poorly photoshopped an Alfa grill onto it.

Both companies existed and were losing money before they went public